Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

On this overcast hot and humid day I'm loving believe or not...doing laundry, ironing, cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms, doing homework...all because my mom is coming tomorrow! The best thing about moms is that they are always there for you no matter what. I haven't been feeling good the past couple days and have been really emotional for some reason so I called my mommy today and she will be here tomorrow. I love you so much mom and can't wait for you to spend a couple days with me and Add.

I'm loving going though Exodus right now. Addison is probably getting a kick out of me stopping every 5 minutes to tell him what crazy thing God said or did at that moment. Some of the stories in the Bible crack me up because of how things were so different back then. Other things, I'm like "I wish this is still how it was!" 

I'm loving this blog. This doesn't take you to a certain blog post but go through some of them and you will soon find that Ashley, the writer of this blog, is a wife and mother that contracted cancer when trying to get pregnant after miscarrying. Read her story. She is so inspirational and makes me so thankful for the life that the Lord (and my parents) have given me. 

I'm loving my man. 
In the Dominican Republic when we get engaged. These are his girl sunglasses he had to buy while he was there. He's the cutest.

Have a great rest of the week!

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