Sunday, March 4, 2012

Girls Weekend

Remember when I said that my mom was coming to visit last Thursday? Well I got a big surprise when she pulled up and Keri and the two little ones, Chandler and Kinley were with her!! I was SO happy to see all of them, it was such a great surprise! The girls pretty much took over the apartment for the weekend (sorry Addison). We also got a few knocks on our floor from the lady below...oops. We ate at On the Border for night 1 and rented The Help but only got through half of it. Friday morning we got ready and stopped by Old Navy to get Chandler some new flip-flops and do a little shopping. We then headed to Downtown Bryan and ate at Madden's and had one of the best meals I have had in a very long time. We shopped some more at Old Bryan Marketplace (mom's favorite store here) but didn't find much this time. We then headed back towards the apartment and stopped by Charli's because I had heard that their designer jeans were 75% off!!! The little girls were pretty tired by this time so came back to the apartment so they could take a nap. 

My mom was so sweet and let Keri and I get pedicures and go to the grocery store to gather up some goods for me and Add. Keri and I had to walk through HEB with our flip-flops the nail place game us...we definitely got some stares and comments, it was pretty funny. When we got back to the apartment we made Pioneer Woman's lasagna and a really yummy strawberry cake I found on Pinterest. We went to bed late that night after watching the rest of The Help. Meanwhile, Add to had to work and hung out with friends for a night. I don't know why he didn't want to hang out with 5 girls for 2 days?? Anyways, Saturday morning it was time for them to pack up and go. We had SO much fun. I am so thankful for them and that they packed up and came here in a day's notice just so I could see them. 

What a lovely weekend. I hope you had a great one too!

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