Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesdays

Welcome to the first post of "What I'm Loving Wednesdays." I got this idea from Katie, which you can find here and she got it from Jamie, which you can find here! Both of these girls have super cute blogs and always have interesting things going on. Addison says I am a little creepy because I don't particularly know these girls but who says you know to know a person to follow their blog? Anyways, I hope you are loving what I'm loving on this fabulous Wednesday.

I'm loving that "Bethenny Ever After" is finally back! 
If you have ever watched her you know how you can get addicted quick, or atleast I did. Her humor kills me. She's in your face and doesn't hold anything back which I am so not. Maybe that's why I like her so much. Plus she has a precious baby girl...this could possibly explain my obsession. 

I'm loving that it's wedding season! We have 3 save-the-date's (the most we've ever had) on our chalkboard and I am so excited for all 3!
I feel like save-the-date's get cuter and more creative every year!

I'm loving Lindsey's Pavao's performance on "The Voice" when she sang "Say Aah." (this takes you to the performance on YouTube) It's a type of music I normally wouldn't listen to but her voice is so smooth and unusual and this song fits it so well. Go Lindsey!

I'm loving this Jo Malone perfume. 
My mom sent some samples of some different Jo Malone perfumes for Valentine's Day. (I love samples of really anything...samples are the best!) I literally want to smell myself all day. Most perfumes make me a little nauseous so I don't wear them all the time but this one is the best. I might just splurge and buy this when all my samples run out. 

I'm loving staying on track with the treadmill. We have become pretty close. It's kind of a love-hate relationship. If you know me at all you know that I hate running...or so I use to. I officially am running on a consistent basis; sometimes I really do hate it and dread going to the gym but it's so worth it. 

I'm loving some of my finds on Pinterest.

No cake batter truffles that hopefully I will be making soon...and then running a million miles on the treadmill. :)

 Gorgeous outfit (don't know where it came from)

Brussel Sprout salad that I bought the ingredients for today and will be making it soon!

And ofcourse I'm loving my sweet hubby :)

Hope y'all had a wonderful Wednesday!!

1 comment:

  1. Love you're blog! And I'm also very happy Bethanny is back on!!!!! Woohoo! Brin (sp) is so precious! Love you both, mom
