Sunday, February 19, 2012


-Thought I would do a fun questionnaire for tonight-

1. If you could raid any celebrity's closet, who would it be and why?
Hmm...I would have to say Reese Witherspoon. She is always (in the magazines) dressed comfortable, casual, and cute. 
2. If you were a shoe, what would you look like?
This is a good one. I would probably be a really comfortable closed toe flat with some spunk. Maybe something along the lines of these...

3. What is your biggest pet peeve?
I have two pretty big that I have just recently discovered about umm 6 1/2 months ago...leaving the toilet seat up. It drives me crazy. The other is being late somewhere if I can help it. 
4. Favorite song of all-time?
This is such a hard one. I'll have to think about it. 
5. Are you a dog person or a cat person? And why? 
I love dogs and cats equally. I grew up with both and came to love both. Dogs can play and learn tricks and stuff but cats just cuddle up in your lap. I will probably have both someday. 
6. You're queen for a day. How do you spend your royal 24 hours?
I would try on every piece of crowned jewels, go shopping with Kate, ride a horse on the royal grounds, and go visit an orphanage
7. What's the most delicious thing y ou've ever eaten?
I love "The Republic's" creme brulee.
8. What scares you the most? 
Secretly, one of my biggest fears is that I won't be able to have a baby which I have literally waited my whole life for. I am also very scared of someone braking in and either robbing or kidnapping me. 
9. Which celebrity do you wish would drift off into obscurity?
Lady Gaga...she is so talented but doesn't use it in the right way and it drives me crazy. 
10. You're 16 years old again. What advice would you give your younger self? 
One of the things I have learned in these short 5 years is that when I was 16, even though I did meet my soon-to-be husband then, guys really don't matter, parents are the bomb, makeup and heels are overrated, grades really do matter, trust in the Lord. 

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