Friday, February 10, 2012

Our Future

Add and I have been praying lately for our immediate future. More than ever I feel like I have really know what it means to live by faith. Addison is looking for jobs right now since he graduates in May. We struggle with fact of wanting to be closer to Abilene but knowing that God does things that seem crazy to us at the time, like possibly sending us even farther away to further serve Him, but He always knows what He's doing. Our prayer right now is that we will trust Him wherever Add and I need to go to further His Kingdom and that we would know the right decision to make. But it's alright with us if He wants us back in Abilene. :) So, please keep us in your prayers that the right job will come about in the next 4 months and that we will stay positive wherever it takes us!

And a little of what's been going on lately...
Addison and I celebrated our 6 month Anniversary on February 6! There wasn't much "celebrating" because we both had school and he had work but we both recognized it. I cannot believe how the time flies. I come to love him more each and every day...even those days when he wakes me up by tickling me when I still have another hour to sleep before class. 
We are still loving our "Young Married" class. We went over to a couple's house for the Super Bowl and had so much fun getting to know everyone better. We are still the youngest but loving the fellowship with couples that have a few married years on us.
And next...Valentine's is in 4 days! Addison and I are going to out to eat and going to see this...
and I am SO excited! 

As for the weekend, one of my good friends, Christina Hartsfield is coming into town! Can't wait to see her and spend some time with her. 

Me and Christina in High School 
At my wedding
I hope you have a great weekend!

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