Saturday, February 11, 2012

Our First Place

Addison and I feel so blessed to have such a lovely place to live for our first year of marriage. It gets a bit small at times but we are so happy to be here. Our apartment consists of a living room, a kitchen, a study that we turned into a guest bedroom, a "master" bedroom, a humongous walk-in closet (for us atleast), and a jack & jill bathroom so here it goes!
Mine and Addison's bed
My favorite pillow with our monogram
 Gold mirror that was Grandmother's...these kinds of things are even more precious now. 

 Addison loves our TV hanging on the wall, it usually resides right over our bed using the swing arm. 
 "My" bathroom...since day one Addison has used the other bathroom so I gladly took this one. 

 Addison's/guest bathroom

 Our little kitchen. My mom got us this chalkboard from Christmas Carousel. This picture was taken a while ago but this is where all of our Christmas and Save-the-Date cards reside. 
 The letters say "EAT" btw. 
 The living room

 The guest bedroom for any of YOU!
 This is pretty much the only decorated part! 

Come see us!

1 comment:

  1. Funny that you had to explain it said "EAT" since you can't see the bottom part of the E ;)
