Thursday, February 16, 2012

everyday is a love day

One of the things that I love most about Addison is that he tells me every single day how much he loves me and how lucky that he is to have me. Ofcourse, I think it's the exact opposite but he always makes a conscious effort to make me feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world. Here are some of the things I love about Add...
-he makes me feel like I am the most loved person in the world
-he makes me laugh every single day
-when I feel the "ugliest" he tells me how pretty he thinks I am
-how big of a snuggler he is
-he loves the Lord and trusts Him
-he makes me feel secure
-he supports me financially and emotionally
-how he not only tells me he loves me but that his actions match
-the fact that he is my leader and does it well

I am so thankful that the Lord chose Addison to be my husband and the He chose me for him. I am so thankful to have found someone that make's me feel like it is Valentine's every day. So when it actually it is Valentine's day we do a little something extra than we normally would. He got me the most beautiful carnations with chocolate covered strawberries. (we are both eating healthy so the usual bag of Reese's  and creamy caramel covered in chocolate was off the gift list for this year...oh how I miss them) I love fresh flowers, they add some life to our home and I love looking at them. For dinner we went to Christopher's, a fancy schmancy restaurant here that we normally would not go to. We were even more excited to go when my dad called and said that he wanted to treat us to our dinner...score!!! Parent's are the BEST. The food was amazing and the atmosphere was great. Addison makes fun of me because I won't go to eat places if I don't like the atmosphere. I know, I'm weird. All in all, Addison made the day so special and I felt like one. lucky. lady.
Another thing I love about Valentine's Day is that mom and dad have always given me and my brothers little gifts for this special occasion. This year my mom did the gift giving and she did not disappoint. When I came home from working out Addison had the gifts all set up, I was so excited! 

-I got some new flip flops for Spring/Summer
-Jo Malone perfumes and lotion
-Vitamins that I have been wanting for a while now and my mom remembered that I had been wanting some
-and some candied pecans for Add!
Go Mom!
 LOVE my flowers and chocolate covered strawberries. My husband knows me too well!

Now, I told you we were going to see The Vow but we were so tired that we went home and went to bed instead. BIG SURPRISE, I know. We will be going soon though, I'll let you know how it is if you haven't seen it yet. 

I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's!

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