Monday, January 23, 2012

Update on life with us

This will be a no-picture blog...sorry. We just haven't had any time to take pictures because of how crazy things have been lately. I told you I was going to update you on our work-out routine...I have successfully completed week one of our new routine. I did cardio and weightlifting everyday. I'm pretty proud of myself. Addison started today since he was so busy last week at the bookstore. Swimsuit bodies, here we come! Add is finally pretty much done with the craziness at the bookstore. He will return to normal hours this week instead of working, oh like 12 hours everyday, and going to school and trying to find time with his wife. God is always with us during those crazy times though. This weekend we had Travis, my brother come stay with us. It was good to see him in our neck of the woods. He got to see our apartment and a little bit of College Station while he was here. Other than that we went to our class again at Central Baptist (Young Married class) and met a super nice couple that is actually within our age range. It was so nice to finally connect with another married girl that is in college and my age! Addison and I were very encouraged by meeting them and can't wait to see them again. 

That's about all that is going on right its back to schoolwork! We hope you have a blessed week!

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