Wednesday, October 2, 2013

16 Weeks

Well, this post came a littler later than anticipated but I'm still in my 16th week...16 weeks, 4 days to be exact.  The past few weeks have been crazy, crazy and haven't gotten to blog in a while!  I turned 23 years old, (the first time I wrote this post I said I was 24.  I had to sit for a minute and remember how old I was.  I blame it on "pregnancy brain") visited friends in Waco, welcomed in "Opening Weekend" for deer hunting and have been subbing quite a bit while also helping my mom out when needed.  Next post: life update.  This post I'll stick to a 16 week update.

Instagram pic at 15 weeks, 6 days.  
Almost a week later at 16 weeks, 4 days.  
Belly looks a lot bigger than I think it actually is.
I had to take my own picture this week.  
Sorry for the poor quality.

How far along: 16 weeks, 4 days. 
Due Date: March 15
Gender: Still thinking it's a boy but took a silly online gender test and it said girl.  I guess we'll see on October 26th at the Gender Reveal Party.
Cravings/Aversions: I think it is safe to say after a few times of trying to eat BBQ, I want to puke.  I normally don't care for it much but now it's way worse.  No BBQ for me please.  Other than that, I just try to eat small meals throughout the day.  If I eat a big meal (like I just did) my belly feels huge and uncomfortable.  I know pretty soon I won't have to eat a big meal to feel huge and uncomfortable.
Sleep: Still getting up at least once to go to the bathroom.  I am often found guilty of stealing Addison's extra pillow to stuff under my belly and between my legs.  Again, I can't imagine when my belly is actually big how many pillows I will need. I still haven't given in and bought a pregnancy pillow yet...obviously.
Movement: None.  
Maternity Clothes: I can still fit into most if not all of my regular clothes but maternity clothes are SO much more comfortable.  For my birthday, I got some maternity jeans and pretty much wear those everyday when I am not subbing.  My mom and I went to visit my brother in Fort Worth and found a Gap Maternity and she treated me to some cute maternity tops for when baby grows a little big bigger.  It's amazing how stylish maternity clothes are these days.  You can barely even tell what's maternity and whats not!
Only when you're pregnant: I thought I would add this field because there have been some funny/strange things that have been going on that would only happen to me if I was pregnant. 
1.  I have diagnosed myself with chronic pregnancy hiccups.  A little bit into my first trimester I started to have random hiccups throughout the day.  I never know when they will come and they are usually one at a time.  My family thinks it's quite comical.
2.  The changes that come with a new week are so crazy to me.  I can now feel the "grapefruit or melon", or whatever size my uterus is now, in my stomach.  Not only on the outside but when I lay down on my back, it is becoming very uncomfortable to have a melon sitting on my other organs, not to mention my bladder.  
3.  The belly rubbing has begun.  Friends and family that know I am pregnant have officially decided it is time to start rubbing my belly at any moment and I never know when it's coming.  It is weird to have your own body for almost 23 years and then all of a sudden your belly is free game for anyone who desires to rub it.  I actually don't mind it but it will take some getting use to.  
4.  When you have to pee all of a sudden you better get a bathroom to appear within 2 minutes or it's bad news.  
5.  The same goes for food.   
Best moments this week: Exactly a week ago we got to hear the baby's heart beat again.  It is down from 165 to 155 which she said was right on track.  There is nothing that can make me smile (besides my husband) as big as I do when I hear that heartbeat.  It gets me every time and absolutely blows my mind.  I can't wait to actually see the baby in 3 weeks and see how big HE has grown! ;)
Next Appointment: We have one to hear the heartbeat on October 21st and a gender sonogram with the hospital on October 25th.  I don't know how we are going to wait one whole day to find out the gender at the party.

1 comment:

  1. Buy a pregnancy pillow NOW!!! It will change your life. I promise. Best money spent! You are sure to be the most darling pregnant person ever. Enjoy this time. I LOVED being pregnant!!!
