Sunday, October 27, 2013

20 Weeks and the gender!

Addison and I had quite the week so the anxiousness of finding out if we were having a boy or a girl was a little subdued by all the craziness going on.  Last Monday I went to hear the heart beat for my regular OB appt.  The heart beat went down to 154 which she said was right on track for a growing baby.  When I got home from the appt I knew I didn't feel good so I took my temp and of course I was running fever.  I stayed in bed and slept all day Monday.  Yuck!  Tuesday I felt a little better but still stayed in so I wouldn't get anyone sick and cleaned up the house a little bit.  On Wednesday I had to hustle and get everything ready for the gender reveal party and the garage sale that were happening in the same day.  Thursday I subbed which helped me get my find off of the appt that we had Friday to finally see our baby girl or boy. Friday morning, Add and I headed to Hendrick for our 20 week ultrasound!  I cannot even tell you how amazing it is to see your child, still inside you, moving, scratching his or her head, moving their toes and flipping all around.  This baby is very very active and the ultrasound tech could barely keep up!  It took everything we had not to peak and find out early but decided that we would wait until Saturday to find out at the party.  

We had some really amazing friends and family that were not able to make it in but still sent their support and love to us!

From one of my best friends, Lauren Robbins!
Saturday we woke up and started our garage sale and then rested the rest of the day until we had to get ready for pictures with my family before the party.  One of our good friends, Kelly Gilgenbach loves photography and is awesome at it so we asked him to snap a few pictures of my family (since my brothers were in town) and of Addison and me for our Christmas card.  I cannot wait to get them back and see what great shots he got!

Finally it was party time!!  Everyone showed up and we all ate our burgers with much anticipation for or blue cupcakes!

We gathered everyone inside and counted to 3 and everyone opened up and bit into their cupcake.  I was so shocked whenever we found out....

It's a girl!

The whole time I just knew it was a boy.  I had a boys room planned in my mind, we had finalized a boy name and the list goes on and on...  We are SO excited and cannot wait for this baby girl to get here.  

These are all iPhone pics but once we get the ones from Kelly and I download mine from my real camera I'll do an updated post!

At 20 Weeks:

How far along: 20 weeks, 1 day.
Due date: March 15!  
Gender: A sweet baby girl!
Cravings/Aversions: Pretty much can handle anything...except BBQ.
Sleep: One night I'll sleep horrible and the next I'll sleep pretty good.  There is a sharp pain in my upper left back and it wraps around to the left side of my chest that will not go away.  It has been here since I got pregnant but as the weeks go by it just keeps getting worse and worse.  Anyone experience this and know what to do?  My doctor said "it will go away when the baby comes out."  So I'm supposed to be in pain for the next 20 weeks?
Movement: Lots and lots of movement.  Baby girl is most active right when we are going to bed but kicks all the time whenever I get still.
Maternity clothes: I'm in all maternity pants, however I did try on some pre-pregnancy jeans and they still fit!  Of course I would need a hair tie to keep them together but hey, I was pretty proud.  My normal shirts are getting too short , plus I like long tops anyways so maternity tops are becoming more and more common.
Best moment this week:  Finally finding out we are having a girl!!!
Next appointment: November 18th to hear the heart beat.

Next post:  A perfect name for a perfect little girl!

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