Wednesday, October 16, 2013

18 Weeks: Month 5!

This pregnancy is flying by!  Everyone told me that it would go by fast but I had no clue it would go by this fast.  It seems like yesterday that we were just telling our family and friends and now we're almost halfway through!  

At 18 Weeks:

How far along: 18 weeks, 4 days
Due date: March 15
Gender: As it gets closer I am becoming more and more confused as to what the gender of baby is.  I have sworn it was a boy this whole time until these last couple of weeks. We find out in a week and a half on the 26th!
Cravings/Aversions: Still not into BBQ but other than I pretty much like/don't like everything the same as before I was pregnant.
Sleep: Sleep is actually a whole lot better!  I don't know what changed from week 16 until now but I actually slept the whole night without waking up since I found out I was pregnant.  I am currently searching for a pregnancy pillow though to help out a little bit. 
Movement: Lots and lots of movement!  Baby started kicking around 17 1/2 weeks and has not quit since.  All day every day baby is squirming and kicking me as soon as I get still.  Add got to feel the baby kick for the first time last night.  It really is the coolest feeling in the world. 
Maternity clothes: I'm in mostly all maternity pants because well, why not!  The majority of my regular pre-pregnancy shirts are getting too short and show the band on my maternity pants so I am wearing oversized shirts, sweaters and some maternity shirts that aren't still huge.  My sweet momma has taken me shopping and gotten me some really cute things that don't even look maternity.  I will be able to wear all of it for many babies to come...
Only when you're pregnant: When I see people now they look straight at my belly at then at my eyes.  This is something that I don't think I will ever get use to.
Best moments this week: Feeling the baby move all the time!
Next Appointment: We have one to hear the heartbeat on October 21st and a gender sonogram with the hospital on October 25th.  I don't know how we are going to wait one 
whole day to find out the gender at the party.

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