Monday, October 14, 2013

The Past Month

We've had a pretty busy September and October, so busy that I haven't had time to blog about it.  I feel like I'm doing good if I can get in the baby updates every 2 weeks.  Instead of going into detail of what we did, I'll just let the pictures do the talking. 

My parents took me to Perini's to celebrate my 23rd birthday.  
My dad kept making us laugh so this one and the next one were 
the best ones we could get!

Keri had made cupcakes for me and bought me some cute maternity clothes!
Millie of course keeps us laughing all the time.
The day after my birthday (Friday the 20th) Add and I headed to Waco 
to visit Drew and Christina.  We got to experience our first Baylor football game.  
The few times I've been Waco I have had to go to "Spice". It is such a cute 
store with tons of different booths.  We couldhave easily spent all day in there. 
Part of the perks of helping out mom and having a day off
from subbing means we get to leave town for the day.  This time we
visited my brother, Trent, in Fort Worth for the day.  
The weather has been so pretty here that Add and I often take Millie 
on walks around our beautiful neighborhood.  Did I also mention Add
 is training for a half marathon? He is doing awesome!
This was last weeks 17 baby bump pic for my iPhone App.  
I guess I should get to cleaning that mirror....
I finally got our diplomas and Aggie Ring picture framed and hung!  
Now the hall from our living room to ourbedroom is not so plain anymore.  

Like I said before, Millie is always making us laugh at the crazy things she does.  We often come home and find her in drawers (like my parents did when they were watching her), hiding in shelves, under the bed, under the covers or just sprawled out in her dog bed.  We are still a little uncertain as to how she is going to react when the baby gets here, but I'm sure she'll do just fine. 

Next up: 18 week update!

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