Monday, September 16, 2013

14 Weeks: Hello 2nd Trimester!

I am so excited to finally be in the 2nd trimester of this pregnancy.  To others, 14 weeks may still seem like that's not very far along, but to us, we have come a long way!  It was another crazy weekend in the Templeton house.  I think I can officially say I am ready for a weekend where we don't have anything to do!  Add started off the weekend on Friday and went hunting that continued into Saturday morning.  When he got back, we had just a little bit of time to watch the pre-game festivities together.  

 I then had to hurry and make it to Lytle Cove Cottage where one of my good friends Seba, asked me to do makeup for her and her wedding party.  It was a lot of fun hanging out with the girls and doing makeup.  Seba made a beautiful bride!

Now to the 14 week update:

How far along: 14 weeks, 2 days. 
Due date: March 15
Gender: I just know it's a boy.  We find out on October 25!
Size and weight of baby: The size of a lemon.  3.41 inches and 1.52 oz.  
Cravings/Aversions: I still love anything cheesy but this week I am loving oranges.  I bought little orange cups to put in my lunch to take to school when I sub and they didn't quite make it to school.  I see a grocery trip in my near future.  
Sleep: Sleeping has gotten much better in the past two weeks.  I have only been getting up 1 time in the middle of the night to go to the restroom.  I still can't get very comfortable which makes me think I need to start looking at a maternity pillow.
Movement: None
Maternity clothes: Baby has grown A LOT in the past two weeks.  I can still fit in to most of my normal pants, they just aren't comfortable at all.  My SIL gave me a pair of maternity shorts and they are wonderful.  They stretch where they are supposed to and don't squish the baby.  I'm thinking in the next few weeks I'll probably be in all maternity pants.  
Best moment this week: Finally have a little belly to prove there is something growing inside there!  My husband this week told me that he finally believes that I'm pregnant.  Thanks honey.
Next Appointment: September 25th to hear the heart beat. 

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