Wednesday, April 25, 2012


This week on...

Remember this post two Wednesday's ago? Well I didn't get to it last week so I thought I would just continue it on to this Wednesday. For the last two weeks (and all of my life) I have been praying for my sweet momma. 

My mom is my best friend, I can talk to her about really anything, she's my shopping buddy, my advice giver, we share the same love of reality TV and movies on Sunday afternoon. We have always been close, we had a few years where I was being an immature teenager and thought I ruled the world and didn't need as much guidance but she still stuck by me (like all moms would do hopefully). When I went off to college I was pretty ready to be "on my own." hah! What little I knew then. Our relationship has grown since then and keeps growing all the time. We have always had a special bond with me being her only daughter, which kind of makes me want to have sons and then one daughter, only the Lord knows though.  As most of you know she had open-heart surgery when I was in high school and a stroke a week later. I have always tried to be as sensitive as possible to this because people just don't understand what's it's like to go through life living off of medicine and if you miss one accidentally it makes you feel horrible. People just think you're automatically going to be all better after you have surgery and that's not how it is. She is in a constant struggle to prevent seizures, strokes, blood clots and many other things. I look up to her so much because she is such a fighter and a leader. She still takes care of all her kids even though she feels like crap a lot of the time, goes and sees us wherever she lives and not to mention spends a lot of her time on the phone everyday with her mother (Mawmaw) who has Alzheimer's and Dementia or at her house or taking her to doctor appointments trying so hard to take care of her since my Granddaddy is no longer with us. Meanwhile, running and maintaining her own household and keeping up her relationship with my Dad and us kids. She does a pretty dang good job too. 

So anyways, that is a little background into our relationship and the amazing woman my mom is. So why she was up on my heart to write about this week? Well, for one she is always on my heart, and two she hasn't been feeling very well at all lately and it makes me pray even harder for her. She currently, as of Monday morning has been in a hospital in Dallas getting some testing done to see why she hasn't been feeling well. She and the doctor's don't know if it is mini seizures, TIA'S (mini strokes) or what, but they are working hard right now putting her through different tests to determine what might be the problem. It might be as little as adjusting some of the medication she's on or something bigger, we don't know yet. She has been having extreme migraines and not feeling well the past few days while she has been in this testing hospital due to them already changing up her medication and what not. So all you prayer warriors out there get on your knees, we need some coming our way! I know God is in control I just pray that He would give the doctor's the wisdom to know what is going on with my precious momma. Thanks for prayers. I hope you have a blessed week!

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