Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Today this song made me want to do WILW a little differently.
Today and everyday I am loving the grace that God has given me and the many blessings that He continues to bestow on me and my family. I love how He uses the people in our lives to make us feel better, to love on us and us on them and to be a light for others, and sometimes we just a need a little light in ours lives too. 

Starting next Wednesday I'm going to pick someone that has been on my heart and write about how they have made my life and my walk with the Lord better, how they have blessed me, how special they are to me. I  will be praying for that person the whole week that I post about them--2 days before I write about them and 4 days post writing about them. I hope to somehow bless them in some little way the same way they have been a light to me in my life. There are already so many people that come to mind when I think about these precious people that have been a blessing to me but I will take the next 5 days and begin to pray that Lord will put someone on my heart that needs a little extra encouragement this week and take the time to write them a little (not private) blog letter. No it's not private but one day I will look back and read it and hope that it will encourage me to continue to pray for that person and to be a light for them. 

I'll be back Monday with an update from the weekend. I'm going home after my COMM 335 test on Friday, traveling to Ft Worth on Saturday for a day with my momma, going to support my bff at her Bridal Shower on Sunday and drive home Monday. 

Missing one of the lights in my life.
I hope you have a blessed week. Be a light for someone today!

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