Monday, April 30, 2012

hot weather, happiness and house hunting

Addison and I spent the weekend {yes together, finally} in Abilene. This makes the third weekend in a row that I went home, but there's no complaining coming from me! Ofcourse, we had to stop at Green's Sausage House and get my favorite homemade bread and sausage to eat on the way home. 

We got home Friday evening and unloaded our Uhaul that we brought home, in Addison's parents barn, aka our home for when we move back in 2 weeks! After, we ate dinner and then headed to my parents house. We found them sitting on the back porch so we joined them and talked with the peaceful waterfall from the lake trickling in the background. On Saturday, Add and my dad went and played golf while my mom and I had our time to relax and drink coffee. A little while later we went to Carter's {J and Keri's son/my cousin} baseball game at the Wylie Fields. 

the one and only Chandler
Kinley got hot...what this baby girl wants, she gets. Yes Keri did put her dress back on her. 
Carter again, was the cutest one out there and that's all that matters right?

On Saturday night, the Pointer's got to come over for dinner. It's not often that I get to see Cali (until a few weeks) so I was so happy that they all got to come over for a few hours. We had margaritas, chicken, twice baked potatoes, strawberry salad and beans. I didn't eat the beans. Makin' your mouth water? Oh, and for dessert, good ol' banana pudding.

On Sunday, Add got a little surprise from the....Easter bunny! Crazy how it just knows when you'll be in town and when to drop the basket by the front door. We then got in the truck and drove all around Wylie to get some ideas for a house that we thought we wanted to build and to spend some time together, which doesn't come very often. We then went over to the "Abilene" side of town, and actually found some houses that were a good price and in a good location so we'll see where the Lord takes us. 

Sunday morning

Gaygay peaking through the kitchen window of on the houses we looked at.
We left this morning to come back to College Station. I went to my last class this afternoon for the semester and now it's just getting down to studying for my 3 finals. Addison will be working a lot this week and only has one final and then were home free! {until I start my may minimester next Thusrday; atleast it's online}

Update on mom: she is feeling a little bit better since her stay in the hospital for testing. We still don't know what's going on. She is looking into finding a new cardiologist and neurologist. They had to stop all testing last Thursday while she was there due to some idiot doctor's/nurses following protocol instead of listening to my mom. Long story short, they changed up some of her seizure meds so she is trying to get use to the different side effects. She also still cannot drive for a while.  Please keep her in your prayers as this is a very frustrating time for her. We hope we can figure some things out and that she continues to get her energy back. 

We hope you have a blessed week!

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