Sunday, April 8, 2012

Our First Easter

This past week I had two tests so the majority of the week was spent fun at all. After my last test on Thursday I went and worked all my frustration out at "hard core training" at Aerofit. I think I pulled a butt muscle in the process, it gets pretty intense. From there I went all sweaty and gross to watch Addison's city league softball game. I love talking to all the mom's there and seeing their cute kiddos. Jency came out to support the team and ran bases with Addison after the game. 

Friday, my good friend Lauren Keenum came over for a while, hung out until we went and did "body bar" at Aerofit (working out is so much more fun with a friend). We then went and walked around Hobby Lobby looking for some wedding goodies but didn't have much luck. We came back to the apartment, ate lunch and she headed off to go see "The Hunger Games," I stayed at home because I needed to clean and pack a little more for the big move to Abilene. (I'll share photo's soon of what our apartment looks like with boxes taking over our living room) Addison finally got off work at 6:30 so we then headed over to Misty and Frank's for some yummy burgers. Saturday, we woke up early because we had a very big day ahead of us. We got out to the Heifrin's around 9:30, made a quick trip to the grocery store and then headed out to Rockdale for a good ol' Templeton reunion. It was SO pretty there. I met a lot of really nice family, had a huge lunch and took too much advantage of all the did Addison. 

Yes, that whole plate is full of desserts. We got back to College Station around 6:00, ate MORE food, spent time with Addison's family and then headed back home so we could get some rest. This morning (Sunday morning) Add and I got to wake up to sweet smiles from baby Annalee. (Ashlee and Dallas stayed with us for the night) Addison got to feed her while everyone got ready. 

He's going to be such a good daddy one day :)
We all then headed to Central Baptist for the traditional Easter sermon. The church service was overflowing with so many people coming out to celebrate Jesus Christ. After church we went back to Misty and Frank's where they had over 30 people show up for lunch and an Easter egg hunt! Misty had everything decorated so cute and Easter-y. We stuffed our faces once again with some really good food and another dessert bar. (I'm hitting the gym hard tomorrow) After we ate we all gathered outside to watch the Easter egg hunt and watch the kids play. 

Left: Jake Right: Ansley (Frank's brothers little girl)
I love that there are always little kids running around, it keeps things exciting. I am also so thankful for mine and Addison's first married Easter together. I realize that the only way we are able to be together and enjoy each other is because of Christ. No, He doesn't take away our selfishness or stubbornness because are very flawed but He did take away our sins so that we would be able to praise His name through our marriage, which is and will be our goal forever. I am so thankful for my husband.

It was also Jency's 2nd birthday today. I snapped a quick pic of her opening up the adorable bathing suit Add and I got for her...too bad I forgot to take a picture of the bathing suit. 

Annalee was a trooper the whole day, even when Jency attempts to rock, hold, hug or maul her. Jency girl is going to be such a good mommy one day. 

and a few extra's from the day...

Addison helping Jency bust her birthday pinata. 
Gaygay playing with her grandbaby 
Addison conked out after lunch
This is what we want to do now...
We will be hittin' the sack very early tonight. What's new though, right?

That was a very loaded weekend full of pictures. I am so glad I have this blog to document our life as 'one.' I plan to order a book around year one full of blog posts to show our kids someday. 
We hope you have a blessed week!

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