Tuesday, April 17, 2012

So it begins!

Wedding season has officially made it's way into my life, with three of my friends/one brother-in-law getting married it will be a pretty busy next couple months! This weekend I went home for one of my best friends (Cali) shower on Sunday. To start the weekend off though, I visited my sweet cousins whom I miss so much!! Keri and I had girl talk and I got my Sanders kids "fix" to last until this Friday when I go back home for more showers! I hung out with my parents on Friday night and ended the night in chair/ottoman and spent the next 3 nights there :) Did I mention that Addison had to go to Katy to help Dallas and Ashlee put in a sprinkler system in their yard--he had a blast being outside and hanging out with his family for the weekend. 

Saturday my mom and I spent some mom and daughter time together. She is not able to drive right now--doctor's orders--because she has been having some things messing with her eyesight. She goes next Monday to do some testing for four days to figure out what exactly is going on, so I got to chauffeur her around town. Saturday night I went to eat at Fuji's with Cali and three of her sweet friends from Waco. Every time I go there I swear that I will never go back but I always do. 

Sunday the Easter bunny made it's way back to my house and left me my Easter basket.

Yes, the Easter bunny left a new summer purse. He/She went ALL out this year. When I was home last weekend my mom and I were watching home videos and we watched an Easter morning when I was about 3 or 4 and you can hear my dad saying "It's just like Christmas!" So with that said, my mom always goes all out for Easter, always has, always will and I love it. This is the first year that my brother's and and I didn't wait on the stairs all together to go get our Easter baskets. I guess that means were finally growing up.

I also finally got the chance to go to Beltway.

Yes I did take a picture during church. They did some big renovations recently so here is our new stage.

I can't wait to move back so that we are able to go here every week and get involved! After church I took a little nap and then my mom and I headed to Cali's wedding shower. She got so many wonderful things to start out her and Kaleb's married life together. i can't wait to everything in it's place in their new house. I also got to see all of my Abilene friends. What a great reunion it was. I miss them all so much.

And to leave you with a little something sweet, here is how I got to spend my morning...

1 comment:

  1. We can't wait to see you both this weekend!! Yippee! I am gtting spoiled seeing you so much! And Trent too. So happy! Great pics! Love you! Mom xoxo
