Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Good food and great people

This past weekend I had to go home again for a few more bridal showers! I got to ride home with one of my besties, Lauren and her sweet sister-in-law Kimberly. On Friday night I went straight to see my sweet babies at the Sander's house. We went to Laurel's "piano recital" so I was told that's what it was going to be. FYI: If Keri ever asks you to go to a "piano recital" at Southern Hills, don't go. We didn't really know what we were getting ourselves into. It was an eventful night to say the least. When I got home I got to see my parents, brothers and Trent's gf Kara who I hadn't seen in forever. We tried to watch a movie but I fell asleep within 5 minutes of the start of it. 

Up next was Lauren's ladies shower at Beltway. They had the yummiest food ever, all homemade, I even went back for seconds. Lauren got some great stuff to start out their marriage. After the game I went to Carter's baseball game. He was the littlest one and so cute. 

Saturday night my family and I headed to some sweet friends house, the Niblo's, for yummy burgers. We then tried to watch another movie afterwards and I fell asleep before the movie started. I guess all these showers are just wearing me out! Sunday I stayed home from church with my parents, more with my mom because she has not been feeling well lately (more on that tomorrow). Later in the afternoon I had Courtney's (my friend/future sister-in-law) bridal shower at the Country Club. It was themed in Tiffany blue and was so cute! She also got lots of great things for her and Abe. I was so exhausted at this point. When Courtney and Abbie picked me up to go home I was already asleep in my mind, I was pretty much mute the whole way home. Addison had Abe's bachelor party in San Marcos this weekend and they had a blast. 

When I was home Keri gave me this amazing book called "Fit for My King." I have been reading it and here is a little quote from yesterday:

...this is so true! I am learning to lead a healthier life and that means eating and exercising for the Lord, not myself or not anyone else. It's all for the Glory of God. 

Well, this is the LAST week of classes! I have a ton of things due plus finals to start studying for. Next week is dead week so hopefully I'll be able to get a bunch of things done. I'll be back tomorrow for WILW.

Here's a few cuties to leave you with :)

Julia and Emma: the sweet twin girls that I babysat all last semester at the softball game last Thursday. 
Kinley Grace--love her crooked little smile :)

Hope you have a blessed week!

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