Monday, April 2, 2012

The Weekend

There is really nothing much to report here but I'll go ahead and tell you about our weekend for those that might care. Friday, Addison had to work until 6:30, what does this mean for me? BOREDOM. There is nothing worse than being stuck in a little apartment all day long...well maybe one thing...trying to get from one place to another in College Station when its Parents/Ring Weekend. It was crazy to say the least. I feel so bad for all the families that live here full-time, I would get so annoyed. However, it was exciting for all the people getting their hard earned Aggie Rings! What an accomplishment. When Addison got off work we went and ate with his parents (who were in town) and Misty and the kids at Cheddar's, one of my favorites here that I will so much when we move back to Abilene. We were sitting outside around some trees and when we got done eating Jake (who is about to turn 5) decided to pull a limb off the tree, not just a little stick but a limb. It was so funny, they keep things exciting. 
Saturday, Addison and I had a relaxing morning then headed to the Westover house (Addison's old house that his parents own) where we cleaned out the garage/played with Jency the majority of the day. We then went to Misty's house (the hangout place when Add's parents are in town) and laid out in the sun until Addison had to take his parents to the airport so they could fly back to Abilene. When he came back we had a delicious dinner made by Misty and played with kids a little longer until we were so pooped we had to head home and fall into our beds. We rented "Girl With the Dragon Tatoo" before going home and it was actually pretty good. We (I) had to fast-forward through some parts that weren't too appropriate (yes I still fast-forward through parts like I'm 10 years old), just trying to protect me and my hubby. 
Sunday we went to church, finally. We haven't been in like 3 weeks or so because we've been out of town. Our Young Married class was empty, I guess everyone's weekends are just as busy as ours usually are. After church we always go to a restaurant called "Ozona's." We went there one Sunday a few years ago with my parents and have gone back every Sunday (that were in town) since. Addison and I were talking about how we were going to have to find a new restaurant in Abilene to go to every Sunday after church. I don't know if it will stick there though, there's just something special about Ozona's. I'll make sure to document our last trip there before we move and share it. After church I took about a 3 hour nap. I haven't been going to sleep at a normal hour this past week, and if you know me you know this is CRAZY! I usually go to bed around 10:00. I haven't been able to go to sleep until around 1 or 2 this past week so when I wake up at 8:00 I still feel tired, so the nap was much needed. To finish the day off, Add and I went on a nice walk and had a delicious dinner prepared by yours truly. 
So since I haven't been able to sleep lately I thought that maybe if I wore myself out a little bit more throughout the day I might be more tired at night. Today I woke up at 8:30 which sounds early to me but to most people they have already been up for like 2 hours, oh well, the life of a college student. I ate breakfast and headed to class at 10:00. I then went to Body Bar, another thing I will miss dearly when we move back, it kicks my booty everytime, and then had to go to class again at 1:50. I normally park in the parking garage both times I go to class but today I decided to ride Addison's bike, what a concept right? Well I'm hoping it makes me more tired as the day goes on so that when I lay my head down tonight I will go right to sleep. 

-Some things I missed this weekend-

*My good friend's first wedding shower in her fiance's home town. I know that she probably had a blast though and got lots of good things to start out their marriage! Love you Lauren!

*Even though I'm so glad I got to spend time with Addison's family, I missed my brother, Trent, and his girlfriend, that went to visit Abilene. I don't get to see them often at all so it was hard for me not to want to be there too! (Travis lives in Abilene so I am lucky that I get to see him every time I go home.)

*I missed getting my Aggie Ring. (I still blame my idiot advisor; just call me if you want the story, we'll be on the phone forever) I guess that means I will be getting it in September which is kind of exciting because Ring Day is always the weekend of my birthday so it will be a pretty fun coming back to visit C-Stat! 

Anyways, can't for 6:30 tonight. Addison and I are going to try out a new burger place we have been dying to go to...and then going to the library (booo). Pray that I'll remember my study material for 2 tests I have this week. Hopefully I'll be back soon!!

Hope you have a blessed week! 

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