Friday, May 4, 2012

just stopping by... give you the biggest news of mine and Addison's marriage so far!


Last weekend while we were in Abilene house hunting we found the house of our young-married dreams. Addison and I wanted to spend a little time together on Sunday so we went all around Abilene just looking at houses, getting ideas for what we might want to build. However, we never know what the Lord has planned for us. We were driving in Old Elmwood and thought we would stop by my bff Cali's new house that her and her fiance will move into after they get married. They were there cleaning and fixing it up to move in since their wedding is in just a few short weeks. I thought "how cool would it be if we found a house nearby here." We drove a few streets down to Hollis, and there it was, full of dead grass, weeds, ugly mesquite tree, chip painting all around the house but there was something different about it, for me it was just the one, for Addison, well he liked the price. Addison's parents were with us at this point and they happened to know the realtor. They gave him a call and he just gave us the code right then and there to get in the house. Addison immediately fell in love when we walked in. It had everything that we wanted in a starter door, wood paneling on the outside, lots of landscaping {that needs a lot of work}, not one but two fireplaces, big closet, big living room, kitchen with character, I could go on and on, in short it is perfect for us. We went back 3 more times that day and couldn't shake our love for this sweet little house. We made an offer that day and after two of going back and forth they finally accepted an unbelievable price. 
peaking through the window to see if we wanted to see the inside
We went form being in absolutely no rush to find a house since we already had a perfectly good place to live. We just felt like the Lord was telling us to go for it. We will close in about 2 weeks. We feel so grateful and are so excited to start the renovations. So, for the next however many months you'll see some b&a's {before and after's} and our lives as we go from apartment renters to home owner's! 
"what am i doing?"


  1. How did I not know you had a blog? Following you now! Congratulations on finding a house, that is so exciting! And that you get to be close to Cali! I can't wait to see pictures of it.

  2. You are such a gift to me. Thankyou for sending out the prayer requests, I haven't had any seizure problems for a week, so feeling great except the one pain in the you know what :) Soo happy about the house that is perfect for you both to begin your life together!! Yippee!!! Mom

  3. I love you and I'm praying for YOU for your finals! :-) go get 'em
