Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

On this overcast hot and humid day I'm loving believe or not...doing laundry, ironing, cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms, doing homework...all because my mom is coming tomorrow! The best thing about moms is that they are always there for you no matter what. I haven't been feeling good the past couple days and have been really emotional for some reason so I called my mommy today and she will be here tomorrow. I love you so much mom and can't wait for you to spend a couple days with me and Add.

I'm loving going though Exodus right now. Addison is probably getting a kick out of me stopping every 5 minutes to tell him what crazy thing God said or did at that moment. Some of the stories in the Bible crack me up because of how things were so different back then. Other things, I'm like "I wish this is still how it was!" 

I'm loving this blog. This doesn't take you to a certain blog post but go through some of them and you will soon find that Ashley, the writer of this blog, is a wife and mother that contracted cancer when trying to get pregnant after miscarrying. Read her story. She is so inspirational and makes me so thankful for the life that the Lord (and my parents) have given me. 

I'm loving my man. 
In the Dominican Republic when we get engaged. These are his girl sunglasses he had to buy while he was there. He's the cutest.

Have a great rest of the week!

Monday, February 27, 2012

the weekend + brussels sprouts

Addison and I had a fun weekend spending time with friends and family. Christina came into town again for Drew's track meet. It's so fun to watch someone run that I actually know, even if they aren't running for A&M :) We had to leave the track meet a little early on Saturday so we could head to Katy for the night. Katy is only a little over an hour away but such a nice break from College Station. I wish I had taken some pictures, especially when my husband and I broke out our dance 'moves' on the WII dance game. On Sunday we went to Dallas and Ashlee's church to watch Annalee's baby dedication. It was so special to be there for this, it brought tears to my eyes. I am so thankful that the Lord led me to someone that is not only strong in his faith but his family as well. It was so amazing to hear all those couples say that they will be raising their children in love-filled Christian homes. After church we ate a really good barbeque restaurant and hit the road to come back home. 

Now for the brussel brussels? sprout salad. I got it from here and it turned out just as good as it looked. 

The ingredients:
24 brussels sprouts (19 came in a bag at the store)
1/2 cup parmesan cheese (I didn't use this much...even though I wanted to)
1 cup toasted walnuts ( I never knew how much I loved walnuts! I also didn't use this much)
9 tbs extra virgin olive oil
3 tbs apple cider vinegar
2 tsp dijon mustard
salt and pepper to taste

basically all you do is ...
wash your brussels sprouts.
cut off the ends and slice.
 put the sprouts in a big bowl.
toast the almonds. 
 mix dressing together.

put everything on top of the brussels sprouts and mix!

We had a ton of leftovers so it looks like I'll be eating this for lunch as well! If you like brussels sprouts try this recipe, it's delicious!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesdays

Welcome to the first post of "What I'm Loving Wednesdays." I got this idea from Katie, which you can find here and she got it from Jamie, which you can find here! Both of these girls have super cute blogs and always have interesting things going on. Addison says I am a little creepy because I don't particularly know these girls but who says you know to know a person to follow their blog? Anyways, I hope you are loving what I'm loving on this fabulous Wednesday.

I'm loving that "Bethenny Ever After" is finally back! 
If you have ever watched her you know how you can get addicted quick, or atleast I did. Her humor kills me. She's in your face and doesn't hold anything back which I am so not. Maybe that's why I like her so much. Plus she has a precious baby girl...this could possibly explain my obsession. 

I'm loving that it's wedding season! We have 3 save-the-date's (the most we've ever had) on our chalkboard and I am so excited for all 3!
I feel like save-the-date's get cuter and more creative every year!

I'm loving Lindsey's Pavao's performance on "The Voice" when she sang "Say Aah." (this takes you to the performance on YouTube) It's a type of music I normally wouldn't listen to but her voice is so smooth and unusual and this song fits it so well. Go Lindsey!

I'm loving this Jo Malone perfume. 
My mom sent some samples of some different Jo Malone perfumes for Valentine's Day. (I love samples of really anything...samples are the best!) I literally want to smell myself all day. Most perfumes make me a little nauseous so I don't wear them all the time but this one is the best. I might just splurge and buy this when all my samples run out. 

I'm loving staying on track with the treadmill. We have become pretty close. It's kind of a love-hate relationship. If you know me at all you know that I hate running...or so I use to. I officially am running on a consistent basis; sometimes I really do hate it and dread going to the gym but it's so worth it. 

I'm loving some of my finds on Pinterest.

No cake batter truffles that hopefully I will be making soon...and then running a million miles on the treadmill. :)

 Gorgeous outfit (don't know where it came from)

Brussel Sprout salad that I bought the ingredients for today and will be making it soon!

And ofcourse I'm loving my sweet hubby :)

Hope y'all had a wonderful Wednesday!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


-Thought I would do a fun questionnaire for tonight-

1. If you could raid any celebrity's closet, who would it be and why?
Hmm...I would have to say Reese Witherspoon. She is always (in the magazines) dressed comfortable, casual, and cute. 
2. If you were a shoe, what would you look like?
This is a good one. I would probably be a really comfortable closed toe flat with some spunk. Maybe something along the lines of these...

3. What is your biggest pet peeve?
I have two pretty big that I have just recently discovered about umm 6 1/2 months ago...leaving the toilet seat up. It drives me crazy. The other is being late somewhere if I can help it. 
4. Favorite song of all-time?
This is such a hard one. I'll have to think about it. 
5. Are you a dog person or a cat person? And why? 
I love dogs and cats equally. I grew up with both and came to love both. Dogs can play and learn tricks and stuff but cats just cuddle up in your lap. I will probably have both someday. 
6. You're queen for a day. How do you spend your royal 24 hours?
I would try on every piece of crowned jewels, go shopping with Kate, ride a horse on the royal grounds, and go visit an orphanage
7. What's the most delicious thing y ou've ever eaten?
I love "The Republic's" creme brulee.
8. What scares you the most? 
Secretly, one of my biggest fears is that I won't be able to have a baby which I have literally waited my whole life for. I am also very scared of someone braking in and either robbing or kidnapping me. 
9. Which celebrity do you wish would drift off into obscurity?
Lady Gaga...she is so talented but doesn't use it in the right way and it drives me crazy. 
10. You're 16 years old again. What advice would you give your younger self? 
One of the things I have learned in these short 5 years is that when I was 16, even though I did meet my soon-to-be husband then, guys really don't matter, parents are the bomb, makeup and heels are overrated, grades really do matter, trust in the Lord. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

everyday is a love day

One of the things that I love most about Addison is that he tells me every single day how much he loves me and how lucky that he is to have me. Ofcourse, I think it's the exact opposite but he always makes a conscious effort to make me feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world. Here are some of the things I love about Add...
-he makes me feel like I am the most loved person in the world
-he makes me laugh every single day
-when I feel the "ugliest" he tells me how pretty he thinks I am
-how big of a snuggler he is
-he loves the Lord and trusts Him
-he makes me feel secure
-he supports me financially and emotionally
-how he not only tells me he loves me but that his actions match
-the fact that he is my leader and does it well

I am so thankful that the Lord chose Addison to be my husband and the He chose me for him. I am so thankful to have found someone that make's me feel like it is Valentine's every day. So when it actually it is Valentine's day we do a little something extra than we normally would. He got me the most beautiful carnations with chocolate covered strawberries. (we are both eating healthy so the usual bag of Reese's  and creamy caramel covered in chocolate was off the gift list for this year...oh how I miss them) I love fresh flowers, they add some life to our home and I love looking at them. For dinner we went to Christopher's, a fancy schmancy restaurant here that we normally would not go to. We were even more excited to go when my dad called and said that he wanted to treat us to our dinner...score!!! Parent's are the BEST. The food was amazing and the atmosphere was great. Addison makes fun of me because I won't go to eat places if I don't like the atmosphere. I know, I'm weird. All in all, Addison made the day so special and I felt like one. lucky. lady.
Another thing I love about Valentine's Day is that mom and dad have always given me and my brothers little gifts for this special occasion. This year my mom did the gift giving and she did not disappoint. When I came home from working out Addison had the gifts all set up, I was so excited! 

-I got some new flip flops for Spring/Summer
-Jo Malone perfumes and lotion
-Vitamins that I have been wanting for a while now and my mom remembered that I had been wanting some
-and some candied pecans for Add!
Go Mom!
 LOVE my flowers and chocolate covered strawberries. My husband knows me too well!

Now, I told you we were going to see The Vow but we were so tired that we went home and went to bed instead. BIG SURPRISE, I know. We will be going soon though, I'll let you know how it is if you haven't seen it yet. 

I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

happy valentine's day

Can't wait to go to Christopher's tonight to eat and to see THE VOW with my sweet hubby. 


This sweet Valentine's card came from here

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Our First Place

Addison and I feel so blessed to have such a lovely place to live for our first year of marriage. It gets a bit small at times but we are so happy to be here. Our apartment consists of a living room, a kitchen, a study that we turned into a guest bedroom, a "master" bedroom, a humongous walk-in closet (for us atleast), and a jack & jill bathroom so here it goes!
Mine and Addison's bed
My favorite pillow with our monogram
 Gold mirror that was Grandmother's...these kinds of things are even more precious now. 

 Addison loves our TV hanging on the wall, it usually resides right over our bed using the swing arm. 
 "My" bathroom...since day one Addison has used the other bathroom so I gladly took this one. 

 Addison's/guest bathroom

 Our little kitchen. My mom got us this chalkboard from Christmas Carousel. This picture was taken a while ago but this is where all of our Christmas and Save-the-Date cards reside. 
 The letters say "EAT" btw. 
 The living room

 The guest bedroom for any of YOU!
 This is pretty much the only decorated part! 

Come see us!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Our Future

Add and I have been praying lately for our immediate future. More than ever I feel like I have really know what it means to live by faith. Addison is looking for jobs right now since he graduates in May. We struggle with fact of wanting to be closer to Abilene but knowing that God does things that seem crazy to us at the time, like possibly sending us even farther away to further serve Him, but He always knows what He's doing. Our prayer right now is that we will trust Him wherever Add and I need to go to further His Kingdom and that we would know the right decision to make. But it's alright with us if He wants us back in Abilene. :) So, please keep us in your prayers that the right job will come about in the next 4 months and that we will stay positive wherever it takes us!

And a little of what's been going on lately...
Addison and I celebrated our 6 month Anniversary on February 6! There wasn't much "celebrating" because we both had school and he had work but we both recognized it. I cannot believe how the time flies. I come to love him more each and every day...even those days when he wakes me up by tickling me when I still have another hour to sleep before class. 
We are still loving our "Young Married" class. We went over to a couple's house for the Super Bowl and had so much fun getting to know everyone better. We are still the youngest but loving the fellowship with couples that have a few married years on us.
And next...Valentine's is in 4 days! Addison and I are going to out to eat and going to see this...
and I am SO excited! 

As for the weekend, one of my good friends, Christina Hartsfield is coming into town! Can't wait to see her and spend some time with her. 

Me and Christina in High School 
At my wedding
I hope you have a great weekend!