Saturday, January 25, 2014

32 Weeks!

Even though I am already 33 weeks I thought I would still go ahead and update up to 32 weeks to stay on track...

We're getting closer and closer to meeting our sweet girl.  Add and I talk constantly about how we're just ready for her to be here.  It's almost like apart of our family is missing without her.  We have so many plans already in the making that include her...all we need is her!  We have been looking up newborn photographers and trying to get maternity pictures done pretty soon before I swell up like a balloon.  (As if I haven't already.)  If you saw the post on her room, it is even coming along more and more everyday.  My mom and I have had a lot of fun getting it together!

This week has been so crazy.  I wasn't even sure if I should do an update but if I am being honest and keeping this as a "journal" I thought I should go ahead and continue on.  The week started out great by getting to hear Tatum's heart beat on Monday and finding out that she is still head down and measuring a week early.  Yay!  Wednesday, had bible study, lunch with Addison and helped mom out the rest of the day.  Thursday, I had a haircut in the morning and on my way back home to let Millie out and then help my mom the rest of the day, I got in a little my new car.  I was so mad that I had wrecked my new car but thankfully Addison was very understanding and very sweet about the whole situation.  I knew that if I didn't call my OB's office and let them know, I would be in big trouble at my next appointment.  I thought they would give me some things to watch for over the phone and we would be good, but oh was I wrong.  
I text Add this pic to let him know what he was missing :)

They wanted me to go to labor and delivery, get some blood work done and get monitored for a while.  Well, a while turned in to about 4.5 hours and since I hand't eaten since 8:00 that morning, I was starving!  During those 4.5 hours, they hooked me up to a heart rate monitor and contraction monitor as well as gave me an IV so I wouldn't get dehydrated and got lots of blood work done.  My mom was so sweet to stay with me the whole time to keep me company.  Besides having a few contractions that I didn't even feel, everything turned out to be just fine.  By the time we finally got to leave, I was exhausted and yet I hadn't even done anything!  I got a good 10-11 hours of sleep that night which was awesome.  Yesterday, I continued on and helped my mom prepare for a birthday party she was having at her house and ended the day by taking dinner to Ashlee and Dallas and getting to spend some time with them and our sweet niece's.  I am definitely ready for a new week to say the least!
Seems like I can only get in mirror pics these days...
32 Weeks
How far along: 32 weeks, 4 days when this picture was taken.  (Now 33 weeks, 0 days)
Due Date: March 15th 
Size: 16.69 inches, 3.75 pounds. Size of a large jicama.
Sleep: Sleep has been pretty good this week.  I still wake up about twice to go to the bathroom and every once in a while to roll over to my other side.  I'm sure Addison feels like an earthquake is happening when I have to roll over. 
Movement: I have noticed a little less movement but that doesn't mean she still isn't moving all the time.  She is still a very active little girl.
Cravings/Aversions: Loving orange juice and "Cuties"...bad news when I run out of either.  The idea of BBQ still makes me sick to my stomach.  
Maternity Clothes: In all maternity clothes and stretching out those shirts like crazy!  I never thought I would be so excited to get back in to normal clothes but I simply cannot wait to actually button my pants.
Best moment this week: Hearing her 139 heart beat, of course.  She has grown lots since the beginning when her heart rate was 165!
Next Appointment: February 3rd!  Still just to check the heart beat, get results on my last (3rd) round of blood work and make sure she is still positioned well.  

-Swelling has also begun as of last week.  I have begun to just wear one of my wedding bands.
-I had to get the whooping cough shot on Monday and man does it make your arm sore the day after!
-Baby shower plans are on their way.  We are so blessed to have such sweet family and friends that want to do this for us.  I cannot wait for February 22nd!
-Started another Beltway bible study on Wednesday mornings that will end right before Tatum should get here.  Any suggestions on bible studies I can do at home after Tatum gets here?

Can't wait for what the next two weeks will bring and am still thanking God for keeping us safe this week!

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