Monday, January 20, 2014

Addison's Half Marathon!

Last Saturday morning, Addison and I headed to Austin for his first Half Marathon!  I am so proud of him for all his hard work that he put in to training and preparing.  He is such an amazing example to me, and will be to Tatum, that you really can do anything you set your mind to.  

As I stood watching him run by at the 5 1/2 mile marker I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotions.  I was just so proud.  Maybe it is all these crazy hormones that are running through me.  I look up to him so much and I know Tatum will too.  
The finish line!
Addison's friend from work also ran it with him!
Add, I am so proud of you!  I had so much fun watching you and cannot wait until your next one!  I love you.

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