Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas and our Taos Vacation

I cannot believe we are already a few days into 2014!  We had  so much fun celebrating Christmas with our families and a wonderful ski vacation to wrap up 2013. 

To start the celebration's we attended Addison's FDLIC work party at the Civic Center.  We have some really good friends that also work there so it was a great night of fun and celebrating another year with an amazing company! 
Christina and me-one of my best childhood friends!
Me and my honey ;) 
Bradye and Katie! Love them so much.
Add and I have been looking to buy an SUV ever since we found out I was pregnant.  If I would have had to make my two-door Honda Accord work, I could have, but thankfully I have a husband who cares about mine and Tatum's safety while were cruisin' around town.  It will also help save my back and be so much easier to get her in and out.  After searching and searching we narrowed it down to a Jeep Grand Cherokee and started looking for the best deal.  A few days before Christmas we made the drive to Weatherford to pick up our new car!  

We love it!  
Christmas Eve morning I met up with some of my best high school friends for a gift exchange!  We actually had lunch the day before and then breakfast Christmas Eve.  This is always so hard to do with everyone going every which way, so getting together two times in one break was amazing!  
We were just missing a few that couldn't make it!
We started celebrating Christmas with Addison's family which is always so much fun.  When Tatum arrives, she will be grandchild #9 for Pa and GayGay, so you can imagine how exciting and fun it is when all of his family is in town.  I cannot wait to see Tatum in the middle of it all next year with her cousins.  She even had her own pile of presents and she's not even here yet!  We often find ourselves overwhelmed with the love and support we receive from our families already.  We had Christmas lunch with my mom's side of the family and ended the day opening presents with my parents and brothers.
We headed home pretty early so we could finish packing and get some rest before we headed to Taos the next morning.  The boys had such a blast skiing, hot-tubbing and hanging out with us girls when possible.  Since mom and I couldn't ski we bundled up and took the dogs (Rudy and Millie) on walks everyday, did some shopping, watched movies in the room while the snow came down, drank lots of hot chocolate and ate some really good food.  We always looked forward to the boys getting back around 4:00 so we could all hang out and go to dinner.  Believe it or not here are just a few pics I took while we there!

Three years ago on New Year's Eve we were getting engaged! 

 Mom and I also scoped out rooms/cabins for next year.  Things are going to change with a little one around!  I can't wait when we will return with a crazy little 9 month old!

Last but not least, we hit 29 weeks pregnant while we there so of course, I had Add document it.  I think I have maybe one bump picture where I am actually wearing makeup and look half-way decent.  Oh well, here's to another no-makeup, sweats-wearing bump update!
29.5 weeks-feeling huge
Since 30 weeks is in just a few days, I will wait to do the full update then.  

2013 was very good to us but I have a feeling 2014 will be even better! :)  Happy New Year!

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