Wednesday, February 12, 2014

35 Weeks

Yup, I missed the mark again.  Three weeks later and I am finally updating.  I hope to start updating every week as I will be going to the doctor every week!  Let's hope I can stick to this.  The last few weeks have been pretty uneventful but very busy.  After my wreck, I went about a week without a car, so that was fun trying to get rides everywhere.  I went shopping with one of good friends, Katie, and found a non-maternity baby shower dress at Dillard's...score!  Can't wait to wear it post pregnancy as I'm sure it will look completely different.  Maybe an Easter dress?  

Mom and I have continued our weekly bible study at Beltway and have enjoyed getting to meet other women and be in fellowship together.  We can't believe that next Wednesday is our last study together.  I am very excited for the next study and hope to do it at home and stay on track with the ladies at church.  

Two weekends ago, Addison's twin brother, Abe, and his wife, Courtney moved back to Abilene from Corpus!!  We all went to high school and college together.  We went our separate ways for a little bit and now they're back!  Not to mention, they are pregnant with their first little one as well due in August!  It is such an exciting time having three first cousins within 8 months of each other.  Addison's sister, Ashlee, had a sweet baby girl, Macee at the end of December, Tatum will be here in March and "Baby T" will be here in August!  That makes 10 grandchildren for Addison's parents.  What sweet blessings.  

Last Monday (a week and a half ago) I had one of my last two-week appointments with Dr. Mascorro.  My mom and dad both went with me this time.  My dad was so funny taking pictures the whole time (without me knowing until afterwards)!  Tatum's heartbeat went up from 139 to 154 which I just think is interesting.  Head is still down and she is still a very active little thing as we could barely catch her heartbeat just in time for her to move again. I can't wait to start going every week and get this show on the road!  Speaking of Monday's, I also do a "Bachelor night" with 3-4 other girls which has been so much fun to look forward to every week and get in some girl time!

Mom and I headed to Dallas last Wednesday after bible study for one last girls trip to shop and hang out.  We planned on coming home Thursday but instead had to stay an extra night because of the bad weather.  This just gave us extra time to relax and watch movies.  On our way home we stopped in Fort Worth and had lunch with my brother, Trent.  I always love seeing my brothers and they are loving getting to see Tatum grow and grow!  It really is so sweet to see them loving on her already.  
Addison has been busy at work, but when he's not working we are soaking up every second with each other.  We are SO excited for our little girl to be here but know that things will never be the same.  We are trying to take every opportunity to just be together and enjoy each other's company.  We have learned so much about each other these past nine months and have grown closer than ever.  My respect level has shot up even further than before as he has been completely selfless and done so much for me over this pregnancy.  I will never look at him the same after all of this because of how he has cherished me and truly put me first after our Almighty God.  Thank you Lord for my sweet husband.

*Three books that I have read throughout my pregnancy that have helped in creating this level of respect for my husband have included, "Politically Incorrect Wife" (I did this as a book study with three other women and I think we can all testify that every married woman should read this!), "Power of a Praying Wife" (I either start or end my day reading this.  It helps me to connect with my husband even when I am not with him and lift him up in prayer), and "Pure Joy" (I was told about this book early in my pregnancy.  It is a true joy to read scripture and pray over our sweet girl together or separately.  It simply allows us to speak life into our unborn child while creating a special husband and wife bond as well.).  

Phew!  I think that pretty much sums up the past three weeks.  Now for the bump date!
35 Weeks
How far along: 35 weeks, 4 days
Due date: March 15th
Size: 18 in, 5.25 lb's.  Size of a honeydew melon.  
Sleep:  Sleep is very unpredictable right now.  Some nights are good, other nights I stay awake for hours.  All in preparation to stay up with this little girl!
Movement: I have felt lots and lots of movement lately.  Since she can't quite "kick" anymore, due to lack of space, she is very good at streeettchhinnggg out every body part until I literally push them back in my belly.  It hurts.  Especially when she hits a bone, like my right hip bone... :| She is also making her descend downward so I am feeling tons of pressure.  Addison thinks its hilarious when I all of the sudden yell her name out because she's not being very nice to me.  Oh, the joys of being nine months pregnant.
Cravings/Aversions: Still loving orange juice.
Maternity Clothes: In all maternity clothes.  Most days I can be seen wearing sweat pants and a comfy shirt. 
Best moment this week: Everyday has had some pretty good moments!  
Next appointment: February 17th! (Next Monday) Can't wait to see if I have progressed any.

-The swelling is here to stay.  I cannot wear any of wedding bands so I just switch out a few bigger rings I have and put them on my ring finger.
-We have all of Tatum's furniture finally in her room, ready to fill after the shower!
-Blood work came back and I am still anemic (pretty sure this doesn't go away so I don't know why they took me off iron for a few weeks to see what would happen?) I was put back on an extra dose of iron which I will continue to take after my pregnancy as well.  Other than that, everything was great.

See you next week!

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