Friday, August 2, 2013

Time with the Lord

It seems like our life lately is just getting busier and does not look like it is slowing down anytime soon.  Since we have moved back to Abilene, it has been hard for me to find a good routine in being with the Lord.  I feel like sometimes I take this precious gift for advantage.  I mean the Lord has made a way for us to communicate with Him anytime we want to and to read His Word, yet I feel that I do not take advantage of this gift as often as I should.  The past month I have really been trying to be more proactive about being in the Word and sharing my heart with the Lord (like He doesn't already know).  I have started reading random books of the Bible and really praying that the Lord would show me what He wanted me to learn from Esther, Job, Ruth, Ezra....  I realize that each story has something just for me.  

I have also been really praying for the little things in our life like TV time (or what we are watching in that time), what we spend our money on and what is most important to us right now.  I feel it is so hard to get caught up in the little things when in reality, none of it really matters and trust me, I have to constantly remind myself of this.  I know I can get tangled up in the lies of the enemy..."you need to buy this or you need to look this way," but I pray that my heart will always be in the right place in wanting to please and follow the Lord in whatever I do and in whatever I wear.  

I struggle to try and take over the "leader" role in our house when Add is already such an amazing husband and leader to me.  I have been praying (in bed, in the shower, in the car, just whenever and wherever) that I would truly live out what it means to be a Proverbs 31 wife and woman.  I pray that I will always be respectful, caring, loving, giving, patient and worthy to be loved by my husband, because he deserves this and more.  His love for us is so great.

Lord I'm amazed by you. 
Come thou Fount

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."  Proverbs 31:30

1 comment:

  1. This is good Charlee. I am proud of who you are and your willingness to be who you're called to be, as a child of God. Xo
