Saturday, August 31, 2013

12 Weeks

I can't believe I only have two more weeks until I am officially in my 2nd Trimester!  I think I am over the hump of feeling bad these days.  At the beginning of my pregnancy I literally felt like a train hit me every single time I woke up in the morning.  I didn't feel good, I didn't want to get out of bed because I knew I would feel even worse and I had absolutely no energy whatsoever.  I went and got all my bloodwork done and it turns out that I was very low on iron.  I've always had this problem but it hasn't been too bad to where my energy or anything else was suffering...that I know of.  Once I started taking my daily dose or iron it was almost immediate that I saw my energy rising.  So whether or not my low energy was actually attributed to my lack or iron, I am feeling much better and am starting to feel like my old self again.  

This past week started out great.  I went early on Monday and got to hear the baby's heart beat.  It is such a refreshing feeling to hear that baby every four weeks and to know that everything is ok.  

Baby has gotten some really great gifts since we found out we were pregnant.  Family and friends have already showered us with more love than we could ever ask for.  

Of course this baby has to have a camo outfit.  He/she will be a hunter just like their mommy  and daddy.  

My mom was so sweet to get me my pregnancy journals and the Duggar's book.  I just love their family so much.  She didn't forget about the daddy though!
Mom also got Baby T a little A&M Baseball uniform to wear for the games!  
One of my best friends, Christina, got baby T that cute bib that folds up into a pouch and the precious "You Are My Sunshine" onsie.  Keri and J picked up the giraffe while they were on a little vacation.  
My sister-in-law got Baby T this hilarious onsie that he/she will definitely be wearing at the river next summer!
I still can't put into words how humbling it is to know how many people have already blessed our little one, not just with gifts but words, notes, phone calls and texts.  We are so lucky to have the friends and family that we do.  

Now to the baby update!  

Teeny tiny baby bump.

How far along: 12 weeks today!

Size and weight of baby: 2 1/2 inches and weighing in at a whopping 1/2 of an ounce.  
Weight gain: No weight gain yet!  I think that's all about to change though.

Cravings: Cheese!  Mostly macaroni and cheese.  My mom said that is no different than from before I was pregnant.  

Sleep: Sleep has not be great.  I usually wake up at least 3 times and once to go to the bathroom.  Sometimes I'll go right back asleep, other times I'll stay awake for long periods of time.  It is a little frustrating at times!

Movement: None!

Maternity Clothes: I bought my first maternity shirt at Target yesterday.  Can't beat a $7 maternity shirt!  I also bought a belly band waiting for the day when those pants just won't quite button up.  I am still wearing all of my regular clothing, it just all fits a little differently these days.  

Best moment this week: Getting to hear Baby T's heart beat. 

Next appointment: September 25th.  

1 comment:

  1. So adorable! Get ready! Before you know it, you'll be 20 weeks and thinking how fast it goes by! Enjoy every moment!! Looking forward to your updates!
