Sunday, July 28, 2013

Summer Fun

This summer has been so crazy but we've had lots of good times!  I get exhausted even thinking about it, really.  July especially has been very busy.  A lot of this month has been preparing for one of my best friend's, Christina's wedding.  I helped my mom with all of the decorations for her shower at the Country Club.  My mom worked so hard to make it absolutely beautiful, not to mention with a knee that was hurting her the whole time.  She really does have the biggest heart in wanting to help and do her best at everything.  I think I could take a few lessons from her 

The week after the shower, Add and I watched Keri and J's four kids for three nights.  Add had a few work meetings at night so it was mostly me there watching them and even though I was exhausted to say the least, I constantly reminded myself to be the best babysitter/cousin to them that week.  Keri and J hardly ever leave their kids with anyone so it was an honor to be able to stay with them.  Laurel and Carter were awesome in helping me take care of Chandler and Kinley.  They were so good the whole week. 

I had about 24 hours to come home and prepare for Christina's bachelorette weekend in Austin. 

 It was fun to celebrate Christina and her last week as a single girl!  I was still trying to recover from the previous week of watching the kids so I was tired most of the time but still had fun.  

We had another week to prepare for Christina's wedding week!  I was having her lingerie shower at our house the night before the wedding so my mom helped me clean and get the house ready for a ton of girls to come shower Christina in lingerie! Like I said before, my mom really is the best, I don't know what I would do without her.  The next morning we went straight to the church to get ready and get Drew and Christina married!

The wedding was absolutely beautiful and I am so happy for Drew and Christina and their new life together!  

We had to leave a little early from the reception because we were meeting Addison's family at the Frio River.  I mentioned in an earlier post that I had never been before and it did not disappoint!  The weather was perfect and even though the river was down, we had so much fun just relaxing and being with family.  It was just what we needed after a few crazy weeks.  

As of now, Add and I are still recovering from this crazy July but we are having to gear up again for our 2nd Anniversary/Mexico in a week and a half!  Now this, I am super excited for.  I am excited for a massage, laying in the sun on the beach, sleep, good food and some quality time with handsome hubby.  

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