Saturday, August 17, 2013

10 Weeks

I think 10 week is a good time to start documenting this sweet pea!  At 10 weeks, (I still can't believe it has already been 10 weeks) I am feeling pretty good!  I can tell I am a lot more emotional these days but a little time alone to regroup and I am good.  I am still cramping pretty bad which I hope will subside soon.  Also, the bloating still has not let up since I found out I was pregnant.  I am ready for both of those to go away and to actually start showing and not look like I ate too much macaroni.  (This means no tummy pic this week because there is nothing to show!)

I haven't really had any crazy cravings, just usually whatever I pass on the highway or see on TV I have to have.  Now that I am feeling better, I am trying to cook a little bit, staying away from fast food as much as possible and am even going to start working out again on Monday.  (fingers crossed)  Before now, cooking and working out seemed absolutely miserable.  

We had our first ultrasound about 2 weeks ago and it was absolutely wonderful to hear a strong heart beat and to hear that he/she is healthy and growing.  We get to hear the heart beat again in about a week.  This week baby is about 1 1/2 inches long, or the size of a prune.  

I can tell that my waist is getting bigger, but from what I hear, it's not actually baby, rather bloating and water weight.  Maternity clothes still freak me out a little but I have heard they are absolutely wonderful when it comes time.  

I get up one to two times per night to use the restroom but have heard that gets better in the second trimester.  It doesn't really make sense to me since the baby is only getting bigger but I'll take it!  Other than that, sleep is not great and between Add and Millie one of us is usually fighting over a spot to sleep.  

Something funny that happened this week:  Add had a friend come over and told us that he would be getting married next May in College Station.  We always love a good reason to get back to College Station and enjoy being around all of the other crazy Aggies.  I was already getting excited about taking off to CS and having a fun weekend with friends until I realized, "holy moly we'll have a 2 month old at the wedding!"  Now that just made us more excited and we cannot wait to take our "future aggie" to College Station for the first time next May! 

It hits us little by little every week the changes we have ahead but we would not have it any other way.  I just don't know how we are going to be able to wait until March! Little one, we are already so excited to meet you!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you to experience this! I feel like I was just 10 weeks. It FLIES by sweet friend! I cant wait for you to see an actual wiggly baby at your next ultrasound, continue to get up in the middle of the night to go pee (that just recently stopped for me!), and more importantly to get your energy back! Second trimester is great! Praying for a healthy and happy journey for you and that sweet babe!
