Thursday, August 29, 2013

where we spend most of our time

I haven't posted some house pictures in a while so I thought I would let you in on our living room at the stage that it's in.  Our living room is sort of skinny and long so it has been a little hard to figure out what to do with it but I think what we have going works just fine.  There are of course so many things that I would love to do different but it is cozy and makes me happy and I think it just perfect for our first house.  Now when the babe comes, that will be a different story.  We will have to do some serious baby proofing.  (Let me go ahead and apologize, like I do in every post with pictures, of the poor quality of the photos.  My iPhone seems to take better pictures than my actual digital camera and this is about as good as it gets.)  Maybe I'll get a new camera before the baby gets here? ;) 

This is what you see to the left when you walk in the front door.  

This corner was quite the headache for a long time.  It's still not perfect but works just fine.  

I love looking at all the pictures in our home.  It makes it much more warm and inviting, I think. 

This couch was Add and mine's first purchase together towards the end of our engagement.  All of the other furniture (besides the entertainment center) in the living room was given to us by family that wasn't needed anymore.  The curtains, side tables and pillows are from pottery barn.  The lamps and couch and from Market in Dallas.  

Addison built the entertainment center with his uncle and dad and it turned out amazing.  I would like to still put two doors on the front to hide toys, diapers and whatever else.  I am also hoping we'll get a mantle built for the fireplace before Christmas.  We have another fireplace in the second living room/dining room but we don't go in there much so I would love to be able to decorate a mantle and have a place to hang our stockings in the main living room.  

It seems like just when things are really coming together we have to make more changes (like preparing for a baby) but we are overjoyed to do so.  Since our house is only a two bedroom, we are going to clean out the guest bedroom and rip out the bathroom hopefully pretty soon!  I think this will also great value to the house since that bathroom is horrendous and can barely fit one person at the moment.  I'm learning that house decorating/renovating is a big process and cannot all be done at one time which is frustrating sometimes but I am learning to adjust.  I am so thankful for our little house and all that we have been able to do so far.  

12 week baby update up next! 

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