Tuesday, August 13, 2013

More change!

On July 5th, Add and I found out that we are expecting a sweet little miracle, due March.  We were excited, shocked, anxious, overwhelmed but so so happy that the Lord has entrusted us with this precious blessing.  It still does not seem real, even after our sonogram a few weeks ago.  For the first time, I really grasped the fact that there is another human being in the making with a beating heart and moving little webbed arms and legs.  

(sorry for the miniature iPhone picture)

If you remember, back in May I quit my job at First Financial, thus I lost my insurance and had to find a new one.  Well, once I got into one everything was going great until I was about to fill my "monthly prescription" when my insurance said that they did not cover prescriptions.  It was going to end up being over $100/month for birth control on top of what we were paying for my health insurance. 

A little background...if you know me at all you know that all I have ever wanted to be my whole life was a mommy.  From caring my dolls around 24/7, stuffing my gymnastics leotards with blankets to make myself have a belly and always taking care of my grandmother's foster babies, I can truly say I was meant for this job.  As for Addison, the thing that has always attracted me most about him is his love for children.  He has seven nieces/nephews with one on the way and loves them all so much and is good with every single one of them no matter their age.  We knew from the time we got married that we wanted to start a family shortly after but we didn't know exactly what that timeline looked like.  We had been talking about starting a family for at least a few months now but I still felt like the Lord was telling us "wait". 

So, when we found out that it was going to be super expensive for my birth control, Add and I talked and prayed and we decided we would no longer prevent anything from happening.  Well...a little over a month later we were pregnant.  We now know the meaning, "don't try until you're ready!"  Not that we weren't ready at all, we just had heard so many stories of it taking a while for a couple to get pregnant, and I just assumed we would fall into that category.  

’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take Him at His Word;
Just to rest upon His promise,
Just to know, “Thus saith the Lord!”

Our family and friends have been absolutely wonderful.  We have already received miniature sized gifts and lots of prayer and words of encouragement.  We are truly, truly grateful for our sweet baby and could not be more blessed!  I get more and more excited every day of what his or her personality will be like, what he/she will look like and cannot wait to raise this baby dedicated to the Lord.

I always thought that I would wait until I was way far along to tell everyone but it is definitely comforting knowing that we have so many prayer warriors already praying for this tiny creation and trusting in Jesus. So please join us in praying for this baby and for Add and I to know how to be the best parents possible to this sweet boy or girl.

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