Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Our Weekend and What's Happening

Last weekend my SIL, Ashlee, and I headed to Katy and College Station to visit my other SIL's and one of my BFF's Lauren.  Addison had to go to Florida for work and my parents are in Hawaii so I decided to take off for the weekend. 

It was quite comical on the way to Katy with a baby and my other SIL's (yes that makes my SIL count 4!) dog in the back seat.  When Annalee would get upset the dog would bark and it would just go back and forth until we reached College Station to drop him off.  We were happy to get some rest that night!

We then continued on the road to Katy to spend the first few nights away.  It was good to get away, relax, shop and see family.  We jumped right into their weekend that included going to Natalie's Freshman volleyball game which was so fun to watch.  Saturday morning Ashlee and I headed to the mall for some quick last minute shopping and of course we parked in the "mothers to be" parking spot.  She's about 10 weeks farther along than I am!  I'm so excited to have these two cousins so close in age.  

We then all headed to College Station (Ashlee, Annalee, me, Amy and her girls, Natalie and Maddie).  Our first stop was Freebirds where we also met Misty, Courtney and Jency. These are all the Templeton girls besides my MIL!  

After this we hit up a few tent sales in College Station.  Tent sales are big in CS on game day weekends.  You can buy all your Aggie gear in one place for Saturday's game.  They are huge and there are tons of them around CS so we all got lots of goodies!  I left the girls for a little bit to spend a little time with Lauren before she had to head to the game.  While everyone was at the game Misty, Ashlee and I ate at another one of my favorite places in CS, McAlister's.  The town of CS can go from absolute chaos to completely quiet in a matter of minutes.  This is when you can tell that everyone has packed themselves into Kyle Field which left the roads and restaurants clear for us!  

It was fun to see Annalee and Jency play together and get in some girl time before we had to leave the next morning.  It's always so good to go back to College Station and visit Katy in one trip!

In other news, Addison is officially done with the Leadership Development Academy at FDLIC!  He started this program right when he graduated and has worked so hard to get to where he is today.  He will now officially start his real job and continue on with a great career at FDLIC.  We are so thankful for this program and the amazing opportunities he has had so far.  We are so excited for what's to come! 

I have also started to Substitute Teach in the Wylie school district.  Yesterday was my first day and phew am I tired!  These teachers have a tough but rewarding job.  My first mistake was wearing wedges to a 5th grade classroom.  I basically walked up and down the aisles all day and boy did my feet hurt!  I think I will go with flats from now on.  The kids were so sweet and even though they were a little chatty, they were still respectful.  Today I will be subbing for a PE class in the afternoon and get to play basketball for a few hours.  That's my kind of work!  

14 week update up next!

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