Monday, July 30, 2012

Master Bedroom + Closet

I think I'm finally ready to show a little part of the inside of our house. I've tried to get our master bedroom in order as best as I could. If anything I wanted our master bedroom to feel comfortable while we are trying to get every other part of the house in order.
(I apologize ahead of time for the bad picture quality. I can't find my camera charger so I had to use my phone.)

Our bed came from Relics in Abilene. It was in it's raw wood state, a good price and they painted it black for us. All of our furniture, besides the long dresser, were a wedding gift from my parents. Some of our bedding came from Old Bryan Market Place in downtown Bryan such as the linen comforter, shams and front pillow. Some of the other stuff I got on sale at different places. I wanted our bedding to be pretty neutral so I wouldn't get tired of it anytime soon and I didn't want anything too girly so I think this works. This was actually my bedding the past few years in college too when we weren't married, I loved it so much I wanted to keep it for our bed as well. 
As you can see I don't ilke things to match. Our side tables don't match and neither do the lamps. Addison's side table (on your right) came from Junk it in Abilene and mine came from Market in Dallas. Our lamps are from Jordan Taylor from a long time ago. The picture above our bed was a little DIY project I did a few weeks ago. I saw it on a blog and tried to recreate it. I went to Hobby Lobby and bought a large canvas, wait until they are 50% off, ripped out book pages from two different books, glued them, modge podged over them and painted a "T". We needed something for over our bed so that is where it resides right now. Cheap and easy!

Once again, bad picture quality. Anyways, the double doors lead into our closest which I will get into in a minute. Excuse the big ugly fan, our room stays really hot in this summer heat. I am planning on printing a few of my bridals and a few of Addison to put on that empty wall. The mirror came from Hobby Lobby on sale. 

The long dresser came from Junk It as well. The gold mirror was my grandmothers which I am planning on painting a silvery gold color(?) to go more with the lamps and not stand out so much. 

This eventually will be a reading corner. I'm getting a chair soon from my parents that they don't need anymore and will add a lamp at some point. 

This poor area....the dresser came from Junk It. I have no ideas so far as to what to do here. When Add and I lived in the apartment the tv became a bit of an issue. I wanted to watch what I wanted to, he wanted to watch his shows, we ended up not spending much time get the idea. So, we have decided not to have a tv in the room. However, I thought it would be fun to have this little one in there that way we could watch movies some nights on the weekends. (It's not hooked up to cable or anything). Every time we walk by the dresser though the floor creeks and the tv moves and it is really annoying so the tv will probably be going out again and I will have to find out something to do above the dresser. 
The door on the left goes out into the hallway leading towards the living room. Next is our closet! When we moved in the closet was pretty small. The people that lived there before us did not make good use of the space at all. My DIY husband went to work and made me my dream closet! Off of the guest bedroom there was a little room that backed up to our already existing closet so we decided to take 3/4 of that and connect it to the master closet and take the other fourth and make a new guest bedroom closet. We have big plans for that room as well that I won't get into right now. 

Add rebuilt the shelves on the right, his uncle built the shelves on the left. 

We literally have shelving in every inch of the closet now where there used to be none! That opening is where they knocked the wall out and extended the closet. 

Looking from within the new closet out to the old closet. 

Jewelry dresser from my Grandmama.

So there it is! Our master bedroom and closet. I love it all so far and am so happy the way things have turned out. We still have so much to do but we have realized that it is just going to take a lot of time to get things how we want it. Hope you enjoyed the tour!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! The closet re-do: awesome. Jealous, too :) Our old house doesn't have a designated master bedroom so we are in one of the rooms with an average sized one-person closet. Fun...
