Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Thought I would update on mine and Addison's life has really been starting to wear on me. Finance and Philosophy everyday is not fun! I also go to tutoring every day for 2 hours so my brain is usually fried by the end of the day and all I want to do is sleep. I even broke down the other day with tutor because I think my brain is just so full of information and it couldn't hold anything else. She was super sweet and started all over and made sure that I understood what I had to learn that day. I only have a week and a half to go...I can do it! I have to say though that I have truly felt the Lord's presence with me this whole time. Even when I'm on the verge of wanting to quit and go home I can feel Him giving me the strength to get through. 

Add and I went 2 weeks this time around not seeing each other so I am beyond excited to go home this weekend to be with him and my family. My family here is of course so good to me. You can't beat Misty's homecookin' and the kids always doing hilarious things. 

As I am trying to round up classes I am also looking for a job to come home to. I've checked out a few things so be in prayer that the Lord leads to what I am supposed to be doing! Add is working hard as usual at home. I am so proud to be married to such a hardworking and supportive man. He is so good to me even when I don't deserve it. 

As far as the house goes, all the painting is done on the outside and all the shutters are on! I looks like a completely different house. We ripped out a ton of landscaping so that will be our next project when I go home for good. The inside is coming together...we still have a lot to do though. I will try to remember to take pictures of the outside so I can share them. 

That's our life right now! We hope you have a blessed week!

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