Sunday, July 8, 2012

Stuck In School

Well I'm back in school and it stinks. Wanna know why?...I'm away from husband, away from my parents, away from friends and family in Abilene, I have to pretty much being doing some sort of school work all day every day, I have a new house that I'm not even able to enjoy and because I get up so early and get home late I can't even really fully enjoy being with my family that is here in College Station. 

Ok, so I had to vent for a minute. This is why I have the blog anyways right? Well, I am in school but there are some good things that have come out of it as well...I am so happy and beyond thankful that my sister and brother-in-law have invited me into their home for 6 weeks. They feed me, let me take over their guest bedroom, spend time with their kids, watch their TV, give me privacy when I need it, help me in Finance when I have no idea what I'm doing and so many other things. Lord, thank your for such sweet family to embrace and love me while I am here. They really are a true blessing. I am also so thankful that I am lucky enough to even have the opportunity to attend college, especially at A&M. Thank you mom and dad for supporting me and giving me the chance to get an A&M degree. I'm thankful of how much I miss Addison. This separation has really let us know how much we really mean to each other and how big a part we both play in each other's lives. 

When I got in last Sunday I immediately called my cousin-in-law Bethanne, who just had a baby girl, Tyler Ann. It was her and Clint's first baby and they sure are proud parents. Misty and I headed over to their house and couldn't wait to see her; she of course was absolutely adorable. 
I know I look a mess...this is what traveling will do to ya. 

Would look at that gorgeous hair!
The start of school went pretty smoothly. I am in class from 8:00-9:35 (Philosophy), study until 11:30, class again from 12:00-1:35 (Finance), study more from 1:45-3:30, tutoring from 3:45-5:30 and more tutoring until 8:00 some days. I got Monday off, went to school Tuesday and then got Wednesday off for the 4th. I slept in, read a little, studied a lot then went to a fireworks show with the Heifrin's. 

Jency girl 

Thursday was spent doing schoolwork, studying and getting ready to go home for the weekend! Meanwhile, Addison started his next rotation in his leadership development program. He spent the week in maintenance and really enjoyed it. He got to get out of the office and be the handy man for the week. He is the most well-rounded guy I know. He can put on a suit, go to business meetings all day, come up with amazing ideas but can also put on some old jeans and fix pretty much anything. He's the best. 

Friday I had those two classes and then I hit the road! When I got there Addison had two of my favorite things waiting for me at home...

like i said he's the best.  

Friday night was one of my best friend's, Lauren Keenum (now Robbins) rehearsal, rehearsal dinner and lingerie shower. Everything went so smoothly during the rehearsal and we had such a fun night after. Saturday morning was spent waking up early, eating breakfast and getting ready. Some of the girls asked me to do their makeup and I was more than delighted. I have found a love of doing makeup over the past couple years. Lauren, of course looked absolutely gorgeous for her afternoon wedding at Beltway Park. 
Cookies for the lingerie shower
Bradye McQueen and Kaitlin Awalt--2 of my good friends!
Finally together!
Lauren's talented photographer
So happy to see this sweet girl!
The BEAUTIFUL Mrs. Robbins

Loved the bridesmaids dresses, good job Lauren!
After the wedding Add and I went to my parents and immediately passed out on the couch. I was exhausted from the wedding and he...well who doesn't need a good Saturday afternoon nap? We had a delicious dinner and then headed to our house for the night. This morning I got up, did a few loads of laundry and tried to straighten up as much as possible for Add. Our house is done being painted but I forgot to take a picture of it before I left. This is the picture that Addison sent to me last week when he put 2 of the shutters up...

You get the idea. We are going for more a country cottage kind of look. I have always loved a red front door, tan house, white trim and black shutters and I finally got it! It matches the neighborhood and totally transformed the house. We are now going to start putting in some landscaping to give the yard some color and hopefully it will keep looking better and better! 

Another project Add has been working since I've been gone is an entertainment center. Him and his uncle have been building us one since they are so stinkin' expensive in stores and we will get one probably twice the quality and the exact look we want for a fourth of the price if not less. Here it is at the stage it was in tonight...

It's still got a little bit to go but I'll keep you updated! 

That's about it! We hope you have a blessed week!

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