Monday, July 16, 2012

2 down, 3 to go

You know that commercial where the girl is at her computer on Facebook and her parents are out having a blast without her? My life exactly. My parents are in Mexico for their 31st anniversary and I am in school everyday. lame. 
Parents view from their about paradise.
Last week Add rotated to the Sales department. He presented a project that he had been working on to make everyone's life a little bit easier. He really is a genius. (I don't know why he picked me to marry, but the boys got good looks AND brains!) Anyways, the sales people of course loved his idea and will be implementing it in the future. I would tell you what the project is but I don't want to totally embarrass Add as his wife so I will let him explain it to you if you ask him. He also went to his first work party, which are super fun. I went to one a few years ago with a friend who worked part time at FDLIC and it wasn't no ordinary work party. The theme this time around was "redneck".  My hubby makes one cute redneck. 
I'm sad I missed it but hopefully I will never have to miss any every again! 
This past weekend I drove to Abilene again, but this time I took the two boys with me to stay with their GayGay and Pa for the weekend, which they LOVE doing. Saturday, Pa and Addison painted our entertainment center and it looks awesome!! We also swam, ate some good food, got in some quality time with Add, did a little craft project and did a lot of laundry.
Silly Levi on the way to Abilene. 
Finished entertainment center! Now on to decorating it...

So this project is from a blog that I found a while back. We have some wall space that needs to be filled and I had been wanting to try this so I found some time on Saturday, hit up Hobby Lobby and got started. I started with a big canvas, ripped out some pages of two different books, glued them on, modge podged over it all, found a cool looking "T" and painted it on. Cheap, simple and looks pretty cool to me. I don't know where it will go, if anywhere at all but it was fun making it. Crafts are a de-stressor for me. I'm not that creative but if I have directions I can pretty much follow something and make it. Next on the agenda is a book page wreath. I heard it takes a while so who knows when I'll get to it. 

The boys played hard all weekend. We were all pretty tired so the fact that they slept 2 1/2 hours on the way home was just fine with me. (and I got to sneak in this precious picture) They definitely make the trips more exciting when they are awake though. 
One thing that I will definitely miss though about living with the Heifrins is this sweet little girl.
She immediately climbed into my car and pretended like she was driving...diamond ring and all. Misty and I got a crack out of this! 
Jency says, "Thank you GayGay for all my new pool toys!"

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