Sunday, July 1, 2012

Back to school

I'm officially writing from College Station, Tx. Here's a recap of the past week leading up to today:

-Last week was filled with running errands and getting any last things done before leaving for one of my best friends bachelorette party on Friday. I was able to spend a few days with my new sister-in-law Courtney, and was able to catch up on married life and girl stuff! She made me yummy strawberry crepes for breakfast one morning and I can't wait to have them again!

-My best friend and cousin, Keri has helped me get through my classes this summer. I do not know what I would do without her and all her help. She has helped keep me motivated and has held me accountable. Thursday night Addison and I were so happy to be able to watch Carter, Chandler and Kinley while her and J went out to eat and headed over to ACU where Laurel was performing. Laurel had been at camp all week and they had been learning an act to perform and she picked sign-language. I heard it stole the show and of course our Laurel did great. I was so happy to the kids over for a few hours. We played hide and go seek, cooked macaroni, ate fudge sickles and had to bathe and wash clothes because they got a little messy! I would love nothing more than to have kids sooner than later but having 3 kiddos over at one time is a good way to know that we are definitely not ready for that everyday quite yet. However, I would have them over anytime, it is so worth the craziness. 
Running errands earlier in the day with powered sugar mouths
Bath time
Kinley unrolled the whole role of toilet paper
Man I love them so much1!!

-Friday morning I woke at 7:00 to the painters getting started on our house! Normally I would be a little grouchy this early in the morning but I was super excited for them to get started and I had a lot of errands to run that morning so it worked out. Addison sent me this picture today of the progress of the house:

and during

I am so excited to see how it turns out!!

-The rest of Friday morning was spent getting last minute things for Lauren's bachelorette weekend, getting my bridesmaid dressed hemmed, starbucks, and picking up my mom so we could spend a little time together before I had to leave...oh and the dreaded goodbye to Add. 

-Lauren's bachelorette weekend was so much fun! We were going to go to a lake house at Possom Kingdom but the house got flooded so at the last minute I changed it to San Marcos and thought we could float the river. Lauren's sister-in-law Kimberly stepped in and helped me get it all planned the week before we left. I don't know what I would have done without her. I was in the middle of still getting over being sick, feeling really tired, trying to get done with two classes, getting a bunch of house things done and so much more. I felt like the world was on my shoulders so this weekend couldn't have come at a better time. We got to San Marcos Friday night, ate dinner and went back to the hotel and had so much fun playing games and just having girl time! Saturday we floated the Comal River and it was too much fun! Today, I woke up refreshed and ready to go. I had a minor freak out when I found out that my blanket that my Grandmama got me a long time ago was taken up by the maid. So of course I spend way too much time trying to communicate to the non-English speaking maid that I need to find my blanket and ASAP! She finally caught on to it and about 10 minutes later knocked on the door and it was like someone just handed me a fist-full of diamonds. Anyone have anything silly like that but it is way too special to ever lose? That would be my blanket, or blankie I call it in secret. Don't judge...  We made a quick stop to the San Marcos outlet malls where we found some good deals and got in some last few minutes with my girls before heading to College Station. 

This was about when I realized I hadn't changed my oil in forever; so I found a Wal-Mart and then hit the road. Luckily between my mom, Addison, Courtney and Lauren (Tuttle), I didn't have to go more than twenty-minutes without talking to someone which was good because I am pretty sad about being four hours away from everyone, especially my hubby. I didn't think it would be this hard but man, long-distance stinks! I was happy to get to College Station and be welcomed with a hug by one of my sweet friends, Lauren Tuttle who is actually from San Marcos. 

We got some dinner, a crepe, walked around Target, played with makeup and now I am staying with her in my old apartment before I was married. I keep reminding myself that school is only for five weeks and once these two classes are over I will be done with classes on campus forever. It is just so hard to see the light at the end right now. 

-Classes don't start unit Tuesday so tomorrow will be spent buying books, finishing up the last class for summer 1 session and mentally preparing myself for the next 5 weeks. Pray that they go by fast and the Lord will be Add and I! We hope you have a blessed week!


  1. Love the pics! You and the girls are all the same cute girls u you have always been!
    The girls look so cute! Looks like I couldv'e just borrowed Kinley's sunglasses from her.. :-)
