Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Last Weekend

Since I am about to order our first blog book (a book filled all my blog posts) I thought I would try to get everything in that I can, so here are a few details from last weekend...

I got in to Abilene Thursday and got some good time in with Addison before I had to write a paper due Friday morning.  Add of course had to go to work Friday so he dropped me off bright and early at my parents house so that I could use their internet and turn my paper in before 8:00.  I then continued to wake to my momma up so we wouldn't waste a minute together! We did girl stuff all day which is always so fun.  Friday night we went to my parents house for dinner. My aunt, uncle and cousins all came too. I was so happy to see everyone since I've been away. The boys are growing up so fast and Laney was just the cutest thing ever in her fancy dress and talking up a storm.

So excited to see Papa D and Laney on the balcony.
One of my best friends from college also came into town and stayed with me and Add. We had a quick chat with my parents and then headed to Martha Kate's lingerie shower.  Saturday I got to spend the day with Lauren while Addison went golfing and hung out with Abe and his dad.  We started off by going to  pick up Jency from GayGay's house and to go to Kinley's 2nd birthday party!!!   It was fun bringing my own child to a birthday party for once!  She was so sweet playing with all the other girls.  It seems like Kinley just turned one and now she is wearing big girl panties, sleeping in a big girl bed, talking up a storm, and just being so darn cute.  She makes my heart so full of joy and I am so thankful for the blessing she is to me, as well as the rest of the Sanders crew.  

Jency with her baby having fun at the party 

After the party, Lauren and I ran some errands, had lunch, and watched Batman Begins until it was time to get ready.  Martha Kate and Zac's wedding was that night so some friends came over before to see the house and to all ride together to T&P.  The wedding was so beautiful and Martha made a gorgeous bride.  I am so sad that I still can't find my camera charger so all of these pictures were ones I either took with my phone or stole for someone :)

Her dress was all lace and SO gorgeous!!!

The only picture I got of us... 

Sunday we finally got to go to Beltway. I love that that is our church for now and ever!  After church we went and ate at GayGay and Pa's then I had to head home to pack up! I ended up not leaving until later so I got to spend some more time with my mom, dad and Trent.  Around 5:00 T-Bird picked me up and we headed back here to College Station! Last trip back as student.  

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