Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Lately things have still not slowed down too much. Last week my mom and I had a few exciting trips to Dallas planned. Our first trip we drove to Dallas for the day to pick up my dad and my mom's new kitten from DFW. My dad had been our of the country fishing for a week and had a blast. We missed him so much! Things just aren't the same without my daddy around. Now for the kitten that we picked up...if you know our family you know that we have basically always had a siamese cat around. Our last one, Lucy, was 18 when he had to put her to sleep a few years ago. We were all very sad but especially my mom, so which is why we had to ship a new kitty all they way from Illinois so that we could have another siamese. It was well worth it, this kitty couldn't be any sweeter and prettier. You're probably thinking I'm crazy right about now since most people are dog lovers but we love our kitties just as much!
Addison had to go on a business trip for a night so my mom and I headed back to Dallas to do a little shopping for the house. We found some great accessories to add to our little home. A few pictures of some of the things we found...

Since then my days have been filled with lists, laundry, cleaning, SCHOOL, finishing up our closet and trying to stay sane. It seems as if we go from one project to another so one part of the house is always a disaster and it drives me and Addison crazy! We know that this only for a little time though and everything is slowly but surely coming together.

I wanted to update one last time before I have to go back to College Station for 2nd summer session because I don't know when I'll have time while I'm there to get on the blog. I'll be taking philosophy and finance which I think will pretty much be taking over my life for the next 5 weeks. I'm very sad to leave Addison but I know that it will (hopefully) go by fast and then I'll be done with classes on campus forever! As for the rest of this week, I am finishing up 2 classes online and trying to tie up loose ends before I leave. Addison is working so hard everyday trying to balance work, getting projects around the house done and some much needed family time. Pray that the next 5 weeks goes by fast for both me and Addison as I don't know any husband and wife that would like to be apart for that amount of time. (I will get to come home a few weekends) We hope you have a blessed week!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm so sad to see you go! Are you sure you have to go to school? I mean REALLY? Why don't you come home and let's talk about it.. :-).
    I know it will zoom by! We're proud of you! Hang in there. God's always using every circumstance to teach us something, as you know..
    Poor Addison, I guess he and dad might have to go play some golf to relieve his heartache. Haha
    I love you!!!!! You sweetie pie!
