Saturday, March 1, 2014

37 Weeks!

It's getting so close!  Here we are at 38 weeks but this post is all about 37.  I will update on 38 next week!  After the shower, my MIL, Ashlee and Courtney got busy organizing and putting away some of Tatum's gifts from the shower.  They are truly a God-send.  I tend to get overwhelmed with those type of things and with a super organized MIL and two SIL's that are here in Abilene, I truly appreciate them coming over and helping us out.  I know it made Addison happy as well.  They had everything organized so perfectly that all we had to do was pick up a few sacks with duplicates in them and return them to the appropriate store. 

I also got going on all her washing and putting away of things.  So far, all of her sweet clothes are washed and put away and pretty well organized everything else.  Something I have never had to think about for a tiny baby!  There are still a few essentials that we need to go get and a little more decorating then we will be ready and waiting for sweet Tatum to be here!  

I had my 37 week appointment last Monday and it went great. I haven't progressed that much in dilation-1 cm, but am now 50% effaced and head is down a little bit further.  It looks like my body is starting to cooperate and getting ready to bring this baby into the world in a just a few short weeks!

(sorry no picture this week)

37 Weeks
How far along: 37 weeks, 4 days (when I originally wrote this post)
Due date: March 15th
Size: 19ish inches and somewhere between 6 and 6.5 lb.'s
Sleep: So-so.  I think I am sleeping the best I possibly could at this point in my pregnancy.  My mom wanted to keep Millie this past Friday night (a week ago) and I slept from about 11:30-6:45.  (Millie gets down to get a drink of water at least a few times during the night and both Add and I are light sleepers and wake up every time.)  I woke up dying to go to the bathroom thinking it was the middle of the night and was so excited when I found out it was 6:45!! First time to sleep through the night in forever.  
Movement: Still moving all the time.  She gets very active around 8:00 at night and it gets extremely uncomfortable.  There just isn't enough room in there anymore!  I can't wait to lay her in our bed and play before bedtime.  
Cravings/Aversions: I pretty much eat whatever makes me happy right now.  I have totally hit that point of "I just really don't care" or "Yes, Addison I did have cake for breakfast...and lunch."  Coke makes me happy but I make sure to get enough water too.  Orange juice in the morning is a must.  I could eat McAllister's everyday of the week. 
Maternity clothes: Still in one pair of jeans, workout pants, and I wear the same tops over and over again.  
Best moment this week: We found out that Abe and Courtney are having a sweet little boy!!  The last four babies have been girls in our immediate family so a little boy is exactly what we all needed to watch over all these girly girls!  We could not be more excited for August to be here and love that little boy so much already!
Next appointment: Monday, March 3rd.

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