Tuesday, March 18, 2014

40 Weeks

Miss Tatum's due date has come and gone.  We have been anticipating March 15th for quite some time and did not quite expect that she wouldn't make it here by that day.  We were a little a lot disappointed but trust in God's perfect plan.  

This past weekend was a pretty busy one, so it was probably a good thing that little miss did not make her debut.  First off, Addison's oldest sister, Amy, and her husband and kids all came in town for the end of Spring Break.  It is always good to be with family that we don't get to see that often.  We can't wait to be able to take Tatum to College Station/Katy one of these days to visit them!  My brother, Trent also came into town again and brought with him my parents new Australian Shepard puppy.  It has been quite a treat to see him two weekends in a row!  
Getting some practice in with the new puppy.
My lap is full!
On Friday, Addison treated me to a pedicure which was amazing!  Before that though, I tried my chance at the bouncy ball to help induce labor....obviously didn't help.
Saturday, we celebrated the life of my SIL, Courtney's, sweet grandfather.  Courtney and I have known each other for a very long time so I grew up seeing "Bobo" quite a bit.  It was a beautiful ceremony and he will be very missed.  
Both of the boys in a suit!
Sunday was lazy for me but busy for Addison.  After church I got to nap but Addison had to work on a few different things. I love my Sunday naps!  I also learned this past weekend that my OB was out of town for Spring Break so I was very glad when we made it through Sunday without going into labor.
I knew it would be a busy Monday and long day but I had no idea how long and busy it would be!  Monday's are my "cleaning days". I thought last week would be my last Monday to clean for a little bit but I geared up to clean house again and get it over with for the week.  My mom was super sweet and came over bright and early to help me get started since it really is so hard to clean a bathtub at over 40 weeks pregnant.  I was very thankful for her help.  After cleaning the house, the carpet cleaners came and got the carpets looking and smelling fresh.  I had a few errands to run and then mom and I headed to my doctor's appointment.  While I went to my appt, mom went upstairs at the hospital to visit my MawMaw (my mom's mom).  She had been admitted a few days before due to a few things. Addison met me at the appt and about after an hour and 15 minutes of waiting, we finally got back to see Dr. Mascorro.  Tatum was moving quite a bit so her heart rate was a little high.  She checked me and what do ya know?  No change since last week.  She then sent us over to the sonogram room to measure the fluid around Tatum and get some measurements.  Everything looked good besides that stinkin' heart rate.  The nurse came in and hooked me up to monitor Tatum's heart rate for about 15 minutes to see if it would go down.  This was all due to her being so active but Dr. Mascorro wanted to make sure it would go down at some point and stay consistent for a while.  She ended up sending us over to labor and delivery to continue monitoring her.  It was about 5:30 when we started in l&d.  After a while she finally calmed down and we got to leave about 7:00.  We left with instructions to come back Sunday at 4:00 to start the induction process if she does not come on her own before then.

So, this leads us to where we are now...clean house, finished nursery, bags packed and ready to go in hopes that my body will cooperate and we won't have to wait until next Monday to meet our little girl.  You may be asking why is she waiting until over a week after my due date to induce me?  The answer is my cervix is not quite ready to be induced.  I have been praying for the last week that Addison and I would have  peace about what Dr. Mascorro decided today.  We both trust her and know that only wants what is best for baby and me.  Yes, I am tired of being pregnant and cannot wait to have our baby girl here, but I will do whatever is best for Tatum and if that means going over a week past her due date, then that's what we'll do!  
40 weeks
How far along: 40 weeks, 3 days
Due date: Will not go past March 24th!
Size: Around 20 inches and somewhere around 7 lb.'s 6 oz's.  
Movement: I can't even describe how active she is.  However, when someone wants to feel her move she immediately stops and "falls asleep".  Active like her daddy and stubborn like her mommy.
Sleep: Getting pretty good sleep from about midnight to 5:00 with about 3 bathroom breaks.  After 5:00, I wake up about every 30 minutes.
Symptoms: Hey, that lower abdomen and back pain that I have been "complaining" about are apparently called "contractions".  Who knew?  I got to feel and then watch for them in labor and delivery when Tatum was being monitored.  I know exactly what they feel like now so I can be on closer watch for them to get closer and stronger if that so happens.  
Cravings/Aversions: Still eat whatever makes me happy.  Cannot wait to be a normal human being again and actually have to watch what I eat.
Maternity clothes: I may or may not burn them all after next week.
Best moment this week: Finding out that we have at the most, one more week until we meet our girl.
Next appointment: No more appointments!!!! 

Please be in prayer with us over the next week for patience and peace!

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