Sunday, February 23, 2014

Baby Shower!

This past Saturday we had the most beautiful baby shower hosted by some of the sweetest ladies around.  We were overwhelmed by how generous and thoughtful everyone was.  The day could not have gone any better, (besides the fact that a few people didn't receive their invitation) and we were so blessed by all of the sweet gifts for our Tatum girl.  

My sweet momma who has done so much for me over the past nine months.
The two grandmothers!
This will be GayGay's 9th grandbaby!
The cutest cookies I've ever seen. 
Incredible food table.  I went back for multiple times... 
The hostesses got us our carseat and stroller! 
I had many gift-opening helpers!

The absolute sweetest quilt from one of my best friends, Cali.  It has her name on it. 
So blessed.
Love my hubby. 
My sweet MawMaw.  My moms mom. 
The quilt up-close.  I had to fight back the tears when I opened it up!
My mom gave us the sweetest little Moses Basket for Tatum to sleep in her first couple of weeks and filled it with clothes from when I was a baby!  This is just one of the most thoughtful things she has done.  I couldn't believe all those precious clothes.  I can't wait to dress Tatum in them!
Last but not least, my precious hostesses.  We are so blessed to have each of them in our lives.  

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