Tuesday, March 11, 2014

100 Million Weeks (aka 39)

We have officially made it to due-date week!  Little girl is due THIS Saturday the 15th but will probably surpass this day.  Yesterday, I got a burst of energy and spent all morning cleaning in hopes that Dr. M would tell me later that day that I had progressed big time and she was ready to come out!  Hah!  One can hope right?  Instead I was told I had not progressed at all and that she would give me until 41 weeks.  I was a little disappointed but also a little relieved that we didn't have to make any big decisions such as inducing her before her due date.  Right now she is measuring right on track but still only about 6 1/2 lbs.  so giving her a little more time is ok with me.  

Addison got home early yesterday and I could not have been more thankful.  I still had a little mopping and vacuuming to do and he jumped in there and finished it for me as all that energy I had "magically" went away but was determined to get it all done.  We went on a short walk around our neighborhood and about 20 minutes in, Millie and I both needed to be carried.  Somehow Millie won out.  

Going back to last weekend, Addison and I got a ton done and we officially have everything ready for Tatum to come home.  I absolutely loved spending the whole day with Addison and was so thankful for that time together.  His middle sister, Misty and her husband and kids came in from College Station so that was a lot of fun seeing them.  My brother, Trent also came in for the weekend!  Sunday, I went to church with my parents and ate lunch while Addison had to work for a little bit.  I got in a good nap and got up just in time for our Life Group get-together at Pa and GayGay's.  

Addison with sweet Macee.
This was our first get-together since life group started about a month ago, so it was a lot of fun getting to talk with everyone and seeing all the kids running around.  However, even with the time change, once 8:00 hit we were ready to head home and get ready for bed.  What a productive and fun weekend!  
39 Weeks
How far along: 39 weeks, 3 days
Due date: This Saturday, the 15th!
Size: Getting close to 20 inches and about 6 1/2 lbs.
Sleep: Sleep is still hit or miss.  
Movement: I don't think she gets how little room she actually has or that it hurts me when she stretches her whole body out.  I get lots of feet sticking out of my right side these days.  Crazy girl.
Symptoms: Sore feet, lots of nerve pain down my legs and back when she moves, lower back and abdomen pain, and swollen everything.
Cravings/Aversions: I eat whatever makes me happy right now.  However, I can't wait to get back into a good work-out routine and eating healthier.
Maternity clothes: I thought I was going to be able to give my borrowed maternity shirts back soon but it looks like I'll be keeping them for a little bit longer...
Best moment this week: We're only a few days in but I would have to say finishing everything around the house that needed to get done.  I would still love to plant a few flowers on my front porch and do some other things that aren't necessarily a need.  
Next appointment: Monday, March 17th.  Say a little prayer she comes before then!

Clinging to the Lord's perfect timing and plan!

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