Thursday, February 20, 2014

Maternity Pictures

I went back and forth nearly my whole pregnancy as to whether or not we should get maternity pictures taken.  I knew if I didn't get them done I might regret it, but then again if I did get them done, I probably would look at myself and cringe and not want to share them anywhere...  Well, we ended up getting them done by our good friend, Kelly Gilgenbach who also did our Gender Reveal pictures.  He did an awesome job, but one of the models was a bit difficult to photograph at 36 weeks pregnant.  I definitely should have jumped on this sooner and maybe would have looked a little bit more like myself.  Definitely ready for this swelling to go away!  Here are my favorites!

My boots from when I was little.

All in all, I am very thankful for these and will enjoy showing Tatum one day how big her momma got!  We are also very  thankful for Kelly's talent and would recommend him to anyone! 

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