Wednesday, February 19, 2014

36 Weeks

Since I posted at 35 weeks, Add I celebrated Valentine's Day by cooking and hanging out with my parents.  After seven or so Valentine's actually spent together we keep it pretty low-key. 
Addison still manages to always throw in a few goodies for me though :)
Yes, that it is a Tatum bump.  He wrote her her own little Valentine's message...sweetest thing ever. 

My mom and I made a little trip to Pet Smart last week to find Millie an outfit for the Fur Ball that my parents were taking her to.  Are you starting to get a little worried for our sanity?  So am I.  

This is one spoiled dog....

Meanwhile, Add and I went out with Abe and Courtney to Fuzzy's and to see "The Lone Survivor".  We always have so much fun with those two and of course, Courtney and I get a kick out of the two boys being back together.  
The boys obviously were excited to take a family picture.
Last but not least...
36 Weeks
How far along: 36 weeks, 4 days
Due date: March 15th
Size: 18.66 in, somewhere between 5 1/2 and 6 lb.'s.  Size of a crenshaw melon. 
Sleep: Just like last week, some nights are good and some nights I get barely any sleep.    
Movement: She wiggles around all the time.  I almost want to say that she is moving more than ever.  It's getting extremely uncomfortable when she moves around but I wouldn't trade those sweet movements for the world.  She made me jump pretty bad at church on Sunday and the guy next to me got quite a kick out of that.  
Cravings/Aversions: I don't really crave anything anymore but I feel hungry all day everyday.  Whether it's carrots or cookies, I will eat anything if it is front of me.  (Besides BBQ)
Maternity Clothes: My SIL is letting me borrow a few tops to carry me through this last month which I am very grateful for.  The pretty shower dress I bought got a little too short for this belly after I had to get it altered so mom and I made a trip to Motherhood Maternity and ended up getting a different dress that is just as cute and is much more comfortable since it is maternity.  Other than that, I have one pair of jeans that fit me, or that I can actually wear the whole day and not be uncomfortable.  As far as tops go, there are only a few that still fit over my belly.  I honestly never thought I would be so ready to get back in my regular clothes.  
Best moment this week: Going to my first weekly appointment! 
Next appointment: Next Monday, the 24th.

-I got "checked" for the first time at my appointment on Monday.  I haven't progressed any and she isn't measuring early anymore but I was so thankful to hear a healthy heartbeat and to share that with Addison.  Dr. Mascorro said this is all right on track and normal at 36 weeks.  
-We have our first and only shower this Saturday which I could not be more excited for!!  Things are starting to get real!

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