Wednesday, March 21, 2012

As fast as the weather is changing, so are our lives.

Addison and I had a wonderful, relaxing Spring Break in Abilene. We stayed with his parents half the time--lots of NCIS, cutting down trees, family time, ping pong and nice jogs down Bacacita. We spent the second half at my parents house where we had a few cookouts, brother and cousins birthday celebrations, laundry, playing outside with the dogs, snuggling with my daddy, and running errands with my momma. I didn't feel like we had enough time there and definitely didn't get to see everyone I wanted to or spend enough time with the people I did see but it's ok because...there is a good chance we will be moving back to Abilene in May. We are over the moon excited. 

There are have been so many 'unknowns' this semester and we are so happy to finally have a direction for where we will be heading to next. Addison has some good job prospects so I will update you as I know more about what he will be doing. As for me, I will be moving back with him in May (that is if God doesn't throw us a curveball at the last second) and staying in Abilene until the beginning of July. We will be living in his parents barn that they did up really nice for a couple of months until we can find a house. July 3rd I have to move back here to College Station to finish up a class that I have to take on campus--FINC 409, yuck! Meanwhile I will be staying with Misty and Frank (Addison's sister and brother-in-law) for that month being their built-in babysitter. Then I will be heading back to Abilene at the first of August to be with Addison again.

We started to pack up some things like our guest closet that was filled to the top with odds and ends from when we moved in, all of our silver and glass stuff and some clothes. Even though we still have about 2 months left in this apartment we are so ready to start getting things to Abilene and starting our lives as husband and wife there. Don't get me wrong, we will miss College Station so much. We have met some really nice couples here and have actually made a little life here for the time being but our hearts are in Abilene. 

This week has flown by. We're in our last round of tests so it seems like everything is in hyper-mode now trying to get it all wrapped up. We will be heading to Abilene tomorrow for my brother-in-law and soon to be sister-in-law's couple's shower on Saturday which we are very excited for. So keep us in your prayers for safe travel to and from Abilene and for our anxious hearts right now as we are having to make some major decisions regarding the rest of our lives!

God bless!

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