Thursday, October 25, 2012

Girls Weekend

I feel like I was just writing about September and now October is almost over.  Add and I have been goin' and blowin' for the past month.  Both of our jobs are going really great.  I actually sat down with my Supervisor today to talk about some upcoming changes and my actual internship that will start in December for school credit and I left really encouraged.  Addison is moving his way around the to the different departments and comes home with some funny stories everyday.  We went to the ranch 3 weekends in a row but this last weekend I went to Waco with 3 of my best friends for a girls weekend. It was so good to be with my girls with no worries.  I sure missed my hubby though!  

This crazy nice nail salon. 

Fav dessert from Cheddars--the Monster Cookie

This weekend we will finally be staying home!  We'll be celebrating my sweet MIL's birthday with family.  I'll finally have a little bit of time to get some things done, get the house semi-clean and spend some time with family.  That's all I got for now!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

From Summer to Fall...

Just like that, we're already in full Fall mode.  Since it's been a long while since I've been able to post anything I'll share in a semi-quick long post on what September held for us. 

The first weekend in September we went to Abe and Court's in Corpus to visit for the first time since they've been married.  Addison's sister, her family and his parents also went.  We had such a fun time going to the beach, shopping, eating yummy food and being with family.  Courtney has decorated her and Abe's house so cute, it was so cozy and inviting and we can't wait to go back!

While I was in Corpus I got word that my sweet momma had to go into the hospital.  Long story short, she ended up getting staph on her face of all places and had to get two tubes put in.  Since she has an artificial heart valve everything is a lot more serious that it would be if she didn't have to have open heart surgery.  Poor thing had to be in the hospital for a week, and even though I had such a fun time in  Corpus, my mom was on my mind nearly the whole time.  By Monday, when we left Corpus, I was very ready to get home and go see her.  When we got back Monday night I stayed up at the hospital until as late as I could, though I started my first day of my first "real" job the next day, I couldn't stay too late.  We did get in a few episodes of the Kardashians though...

Tuesday, September 4, I started work at First Financial Bank in the Human Resources Department.  It has been the biggest blessing.  There are seven other ladies in the department, all so sweet and welcoming to the new I originally went to the Director of HR and asked if I could do an internship with them next semester for experience but also to get credit for A&M so that I could graduate in May.  I mentioned to her that I needed a job or internship this semester as well.  She called me back a few weeks later and offered me almost a full year internship position with them.  After searching for a job for almost a month I was so ecstatic! That first week on the job I went up to the hospital after 5:00 everyday to see my mom.  We celebrated her birthday that Wednesday in the hospital and she got out Thursday.  

Anyways, my job is going really well and I love it.  There is so much to learn and a lot of responsibility.  Just when I think I am finally get the hang of it, the assign me a new task which is good because I am really learning the in's and out's and HR, if you will.  I work everyday 8-5; like I said...big-girl job.  It's definitely nice to have the extra income as well. 

For the next few weeks Add and I were adjusting to me working and having a much messier house during the week.  Weekends have now become my only time to clean.  Oh, did I mention I'm also taking two classes?  If someone told me that my Senior year in college I would be married, living back in Abilene, own a home, working full time AND taking classes I would think they were crazy.  It's a lot to handle sometimes but I feel so extremely blessed at the same time. 

Next was my birthday/Aggie ring celebration.  Ring day has always fallen within a few days of my birthday since I've been at A&M and this year was no different.  Usually when someone gets their Aggie Ring they are in College Station, wait in line with everyone else, receive their ring and take lots of pictures. When I went with Addison it was super exciting but I didn't think it was worth it to drive 4 hours for one night when they could just ship it to me.  I was still just as excited to receive it in the mail then waiting in line on campus.  The plan was for it to be shipped to my parents house on Tuesday and have a big double celebration at Perini's on Wednesday night, my birthday night, but I just couldn't wait.  Tuesday night we went to pick it up from the UPS office and couldn't wait a whole other day so my daddy slipped it on me and it fit perfectly.  

The next day, my birthday, my mom planned a wonderful birthday lunch with some of the women on my mom's side at Hickory Street.  This was my first birthday in Abilene in 3 years!  

That night we went to Perini's to further the celebration and eat some yummy steaks.  

Thursday,  I went over to my in-law's house and Gaygay fixed a yummy meal and made me a birthday cake.  

Annalee enjoyed the cake too!
That weekend I lit my first fall candle of the season that my mom got me for my birthday, opened all of the blinds and got to work doing some serious cleaning!

We also started our newly marrieds class called, "Foundations." It is for couples that have been married 0 up to 4 years that want to set a good foundation for their marriage.  It's a one-year commitment and we meet twice a week.  We are very excited for what's to come!

And now to the most uneventful "Opening Weekend" we've ever had.  Opening weekend of dear season that is.  It rained the whole time.  The boys were the only ones that dared get out of the house, and now my washer is paying for it.  We did get to spend some quality time with family and friends; we celebrated Mike's birthday with a yummy cake I made him.

And because I can never get enough of the little girls in my life, I'll end with this sweetie wearing her new dress Add and I got for her...

Have a blessed week says Annalee!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Life Lately

So it has been a while since I've posted. Mostly because we haven't been doing too much these past few weeks. 
Last week I got to take my sweet cousins, Chandler (4) and Kinley (2) out for ice cream for their birthdays.

 I have absolutely loved getting to spend more time with these two and their brother and sister Carter and Laurel. Last Thursday night Add and I had all four of them stay the night with us so Keri and J could have a night off before homeschooling starts up. It was eventful to say the least. They immediately sat down for cartoons but that wasn't going to fly! I was there to play with them and entertain them. We played hide-and-go-seek for a good while, built a fort in our living room, cooked rice krispies and ate yummy pizza. We then watched a movie, got them all ready for bed and spent another 30 minutes trying to get the little ones to go down. I think they were just too excited to go to sleep! Our bedroom turned into one big pallet as all of them decided to stay with us in our room. Around 4:00 A.M. we got to experience what it would be like to have a little one in bed with us as Kinley wanted right in the middle! 

Like I've said before we've come to a pretty good stopping place on the house for a little while. We needed to take a break and so did our bank account. I'm sure our neighbors are wondering when in the world we are going to do something with our front yard. We'll get there one of these days but at the moment our ripped up bushes and dead grass will just have to do. 

When we got the entertainment center in our house my mom filled it with a few odds and ends that we had laying around the house (I let her do all the decorating) and she recently added to it. I'm still wanting to buy some old books, a mini plant, big baskets and little frames with family in them but for now this is what it looks like!

Update on job hunt:
Just a recap of what has been going on in the job hunt the past few weeks. I went in for an interview with First Financial a few weeks ago and was told that they didn't have a place for me at the moment but that I could fill my Internship requirements through A&M next semester with them. Well...they called back on last Friday and said that they got approved to hire an intern for this semester! I went in yesterday to fill out some papers, get background checked and drug tested. Crossing my fingers I passed ;) They should get back the results today and let me know when I'll start. This was a huge blessing for me and Addison. Even though I am enjoying my time being a housewife, getting to spend extra time with my mom, dad and rest of the family I am getting a little stir crazy and needed to feel like I was actually doing something with my days. I am beyond excited to start working in the Human Resources Department for First Financial. They are all so sweet and just as excited for me. 

Today, Add goes to Glenrose for a retreat for his work until Friday. I'll definitely be missing him but we'll reunite Friday as we head to Corpus Christi for Labor Day Weekend! We are so excited to see Abe and Court and spend some time at the beach. 

We hope you have a blessed week and a fun weekend!

Monday, August 6, 2012

One Year

It has been one year today that Addison and I were married.  Oh, how time flies.  There are so many things that happened this first year, good and bad but mostly good.  The Lord was so incredibly good to us this past year.  If you haven't been reading Add and I got married a year ago today and moved into an apartment in College Station. We both worked and went to school. We had my 21st birthday, Add got his Aggie Ring, we had our 1st married Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter together, Addison graduated from Texas A&M and got a job back home in Abilene.  We bought a house and he started his new job at FDLIC right after.  We celebrated his 23rd birthday, I moved back to College Station to finish 2 classes and here we are year married! Even though we cannot be together today I am so lucky to finally be reunited with him tomorrow for the last time for the rest of our life!  

To my husband,
Thank you for still giving me butterflies in my tummy like when you first talked to me 8 years ago.
Thank you for always believing in us trusting in our relationship. 
Thank you for all the lessons that you taught me over the past 8 years. 
Thank you for always believing me and being my #1 fan.
Thank you for working hard everyday so that we can have what we have.
Thank you for always trusting in the Lord when I am doubtful.
Thank you for always making light of dark situations. 
Thank you for being by my side when I need you most.
Thank you for loving me and holding me when my Grandmama past away.
Thank you for making me feel safe.
Most of all, thank you for choosing me to be your wife.
I love you today and forever. You are my everything! 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Last Weekend

Since I am about to order our first blog book (a book filled all my blog posts) I thought I would try to get everything in that I can, so here are a few details from last weekend...

I got in to Abilene Thursday and got some good time in with Addison before I had to write a paper due Friday morning.  Add of course had to go to work Friday so he dropped me off bright and early at my parents house so that I could use their internet and turn my paper in before 8:00.  I then continued to wake to my momma up so we wouldn't waste a minute together! We did girl stuff all day which is always so fun.  Friday night we went to my parents house for dinner. My aunt, uncle and cousins all came too. I was so happy to see everyone since I've been away. The boys are growing up so fast and Laney was just the cutest thing ever in her fancy dress and talking up a storm.

So excited to see Papa D and Laney on the balcony.
One of my best friends from college also came into town and stayed with me and Add. We had a quick chat with my parents and then headed to Martha Kate's lingerie shower.  Saturday I got to spend the day with Lauren while Addison went golfing and hung out with Abe and his dad.  We started off by going to  pick up Jency from GayGay's house and to go to Kinley's 2nd birthday party!!!   It was fun bringing my own child to a birthday party for once!  She was so sweet playing with all the other girls.  It seems like Kinley just turned one and now she is wearing big girl panties, sleeping in a big girl bed, talking up a storm, and just being so darn cute.  She makes my heart so full of joy and I am so thankful for the blessing she is to me, as well as the rest of the Sanders crew.  

Jency with her baby having fun at the party 

After the party, Lauren and I ran some errands, had lunch, and watched Batman Begins until it was time to get ready.  Martha Kate and Zac's wedding was that night so some friends came over before to see the house and to all ride together to T&P.  The wedding was so beautiful and Martha made a gorgeous bride.  I am so sad that I still can't find my camera charger so all of these pictures were ones I either took with my phone or stole for someone :)

Her dress was all lace and SO gorgeous!!!

The only picture I got of us... 

Sunday we finally got to go to Beltway. I love that that is our church for now and ever!  After church we went and ate at GayGay and Pa's then I had to head home to pack up! I ended up not leaving until later so I got to spend some more time with my mom, dad and Trent.  Around 5:00 T-Bird picked me up and we headed back here to College Station! Last trip back as student.  

Monday, July 30, 2012

Master Bedroom + Closet

I think I'm finally ready to show a little part of the inside of our house. I've tried to get our master bedroom in order as best as I could. If anything I wanted our master bedroom to feel comfortable while we are trying to get every other part of the house in order.
(I apologize ahead of time for the bad picture quality. I can't find my camera charger so I had to use my phone.)

Our bed came from Relics in Abilene. It was in it's raw wood state, a good price and they painted it black for us. All of our furniture, besides the long dresser, were a wedding gift from my parents. Some of our bedding came from Old Bryan Market Place in downtown Bryan such as the linen comforter, shams and front pillow. Some of the other stuff I got on sale at different places. I wanted our bedding to be pretty neutral so I wouldn't get tired of it anytime soon and I didn't want anything too girly so I think this works. This was actually my bedding the past few years in college too when we weren't married, I loved it so much I wanted to keep it for our bed as well. 
As you can see I don't ilke things to match. Our side tables don't match and neither do the lamps. Addison's side table (on your right) came from Junk it in Abilene and mine came from Market in Dallas. Our lamps are from Jordan Taylor from a long time ago. The picture above our bed was a little DIY project I did a few weeks ago. I saw it on a blog and tried to recreate it. I went to Hobby Lobby and bought a large canvas, wait until they are 50% off, ripped out book pages from two different books, glued them, modge podged over them and painted a "T". We needed something for over our bed so that is where it resides right now. Cheap and easy!

Once again, bad picture quality. Anyways, the double doors lead into our closest which I will get into in a minute. Excuse the big ugly fan, our room stays really hot in this summer heat. I am planning on printing a few of my bridals and a few of Addison to put on that empty wall. The mirror came from Hobby Lobby on sale. 

The long dresser came from Junk It as well. The gold mirror was my grandmothers which I am planning on painting a silvery gold color(?) to go more with the lamps and not stand out so much. 

This eventually will be a reading corner. I'm getting a chair soon from my parents that they don't need anymore and will add a lamp at some point. 

This poor area....the dresser came from Junk It. I have no ideas so far as to what to do here. When Add and I lived in the apartment the tv became a bit of an issue. I wanted to watch what I wanted to, he wanted to watch his shows, we ended up not spending much time get the idea. So, we have decided not to have a tv in the room. However, I thought it would be fun to have this little one in there that way we could watch movies some nights on the weekends. (It's not hooked up to cable or anything). Every time we walk by the dresser though the floor creeks and the tv moves and it is really annoying so the tv will probably be going out again and I will have to find out something to do above the dresser. 
The door on the left goes out into the hallway leading towards the living room. Next is our closet! When we moved in the closet was pretty small. The people that lived there before us did not make good use of the space at all. My DIY husband went to work and made me my dream closet! Off of the guest bedroom there was a little room that backed up to our already existing closet so we decided to take 3/4 of that and connect it to the master closet and take the other fourth and make a new guest bedroom closet. We have big plans for that room as well that I won't get into right now. 

Add rebuilt the shelves on the right, his uncle built the shelves on the left. 

We literally have shelving in every inch of the closet now where there used to be none! That opening is where they knocked the wall out and extended the closet. 

Looking from within the new closet out to the old closet. 

Jewelry dresser from my Grandmama.

So there it is! Our master bedroom and closet. I love it all so far and am so happy the way things have turned out. We still have so much to do but we have realized that it is just going to take a lot of time to get things how we want it. Hope you enjoyed the tour!