Sunday, September 30, 2012

From Summer to Fall...

Just like that, we're already in full Fall mode.  Since it's been a long while since I've been able to post anything I'll share in a semi-quick long post on what September held for us. 

The first weekend in September we went to Abe and Court's in Corpus to visit for the first time since they've been married.  Addison's sister, her family and his parents also went.  We had such a fun time going to the beach, shopping, eating yummy food and being with family.  Courtney has decorated her and Abe's house so cute, it was so cozy and inviting and we can't wait to go back!

While I was in Corpus I got word that my sweet momma had to go into the hospital.  Long story short, she ended up getting staph on her face of all places and had to get two tubes put in.  Since she has an artificial heart valve everything is a lot more serious that it would be if she didn't have to have open heart surgery.  Poor thing had to be in the hospital for a week, and even though I had such a fun time in  Corpus, my mom was on my mind nearly the whole time.  By Monday, when we left Corpus, I was very ready to get home and go see her.  When we got back Monday night I stayed up at the hospital until as late as I could, though I started my first day of my first "real" job the next day, I couldn't stay too late.  We did get in a few episodes of the Kardashians though...

Tuesday, September 4, I started work at First Financial Bank in the Human Resources Department.  It has been the biggest blessing.  There are seven other ladies in the department, all so sweet and welcoming to the new I originally went to the Director of HR and asked if I could do an internship with them next semester for experience but also to get credit for A&M so that I could graduate in May.  I mentioned to her that I needed a job or internship this semester as well.  She called me back a few weeks later and offered me almost a full year internship position with them.  After searching for a job for almost a month I was so ecstatic! That first week on the job I went up to the hospital after 5:00 everyday to see my mom.  We celebrated her birthday that Wednesday in the hospital and she got out Thursday.  

Anyways, my job is going really well and I love it.  There is so much to learn and a lot of responsibility.  Just when I think I am finally get the hang of it, the assign me a new task which is good because I am really learning the in's and out's and HR, if you will.  I work everyday 8-5; like I said...big-girl job.  It's definitely nice to have the extra income as well. 

For the next few weeks Add and I were adjusting to me working and having a much messier house during the week.  Weekends have now become my only time to clean.  Oh, did I mention I'm also taking two classes?  If someone told me that my Senior year in college I would be married, living back in Abilene, own a home, working full time AND taking classes I would think they were crazy.  It's a lot to handle sometimes but I feel so extremely blessed at the same time. 

Next was my birthday/Aggie ring celebration.  Ring day has always fallen within a few days of my birthday since I've been at A&M and this year was no different.  Usually when someone gets their Aggie Ring they are in College Station, wait in line with everyone else, receive their ring and take lots of pictures. When I went with Addison it was super exciting but I didn't think it was worth it to drive 4 hours for one night when they could just ship it to me.  I was still just as excited to receive it in the mail then waiting in line on campus.  The plan was for it to be shipped to my parents house on Tuesday and have a big double celebration at Perini's on Wednesday night, my birthday night, but I just couldn't wait.  Tuesday night we went to pick it up from the UPS office and couldn't wait a whole other day so my daddy slipped it on me and it fit perfectly.  

The next day, my birthday, my mom planned a wonderful birthday lunch with some of the women on my mom's side at Hickory Street.  This was my first birthday in Abilene in 3 years!  

That night we went to Perini's to further the celebration and eat some yummy steaks.  

Thursday,  I went over to my in-law's house and Gaygay fixed a yummy meal and made me a birthday cake.  

Annalee enjoyed the cake too!
That weekend I lit my first fall candle of the season that my mom got me for my birthday, opened all of the blinds and got to work doing some serious cleaning!

We also started our newly marrieds class called, "Foundations." It is for couples that have been married 0 up to 4 years that want to set a good foundation for their marriage.  It's a one-year commitment and we meet twice a week.  We are very excited for what's to come!

And now to the most uneventful "Opening Weekend" we've ever had.  Opening weekend of dear season that is.  It rained the whole time.  The boys were the only ones that dared get out of the house, and now my washer is paying for it.  We did get to spend some quality time with family and friends; we celebrated Mike's birthday with a yummy cake I made him.

And because I can never get enough of the little girls in my life, I'll end with this sweetie wearing her new dress Add and I got for her...

Have a blessed week says Annalee!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it. You are a big kid now and have a job... Whaaa? Weird. Love you and CANT wait to see you when I do! Oh and congrats on dat Aggie rang! Whoop.
