Monday, August 6, 2012

One Year

It has been one year today that Addison and I were married.  Oh, how time flies.  There are so many things that happened this first year, good and bad but mostly good.  The Lord was so incredibly good to us this past year.  If you haven't been reading Add and I got married a year ago today and moved into an apartment in College Station. We both worked and went to school. We had my 21st birthday, Add got his Aggie Ring, we had our 1st married Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter together, Addison graduated from Texas A&M and got a job back home in Abilene.  We bought a house and he started his new job at FDLIC right after.  We celebrated his 23rd birthday, I moved back to College Station to finish 2 classes and here we are year married! Even though we cannot be together today I am so lucky to finally be reunited with him tomorrow for the last time for the rest of our life!  

To my husband,
Thank you for still giving me butterflies in my tummy like when you first talked to me 8 years ago.
Thank you for always believing in us trusting in our relationship. 
Thank you for all the lessons that you taught me over the past 8 years. 
Thank you for always believing me and being my #1 fan.
Thank you for working hard everyday so that we can have what we have.
Thank you for always trusting in the Lord when I am doubtful.
Thank you for always making light of dark situations. 
Thank you for being by my side when I need you most.
Thank you for loving me and holding me when my Grandmama past away.
Thank you for making me feel safe.
Most of all, thank you for choosing me to be your wife.
I love you today and forever. You are my everything! 

1 comment:

  1. Addison is so lucky to have you as a wife. You two are both so special to me and I am thankful for our friendship. I pray the Lord continues to shower blessings on you two. Love you Charlee!
